The irony of this article being able to quote those comments for us, the humble readers, while the fucking movie studios can’t do the same in a court of law is just… so delicious.
The irony of this article being able to quote those comments for us, the humble readers, while the fucking movie studios can’t do the same in a court of law is just… so delicious.
Correct! For me, the closed source “walled garden” approach is the most frustrating.
But, dude, dude, dude… remember the 30-pin transition debacle? I’m having bad flashbacks lol
Ok, so you listed basically all of their business strategies, which is exactly my point. It’s not a business built SOLELY on proprietary ports and cables, yet that aspect is what gets the most attention and criticism.
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This argument always cracks me up. I have been able to buy cheap lightning cables effectively since they started making lightning cables lol. It’s not like Apple somehow locks the phone from charging, physics is still a real thing and electricity can still flow through them, even without the MFi aspects.
If you wanna hate Apple for being a massively bloated and money-hungry corporate nightmare, that’s fine, I’m with it, but do we really all think they made it to $3 trillion valuation on… fucking cables??? 😂
Well, yeah, everyone else is, too. They’re not gonna let Siri become any more woefully outmatched than it already is, so it’s either adapt or die. Microsoft killed off Cortana recently in favor of their AI program.
This is just self-maintenance, basically.
Anyone who has worked in retail will tell you this is absolutely, concretely, and vehemently something corporate would expect their employees to actually say to customers, so don’t go giving them any ideas…