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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 20th, 2023


  • Oh, for sure they made tons of mistakes, I just thought of that one as the most glaringly obvious “framing issue”. I’ve seen all the episodes as aired and as on DVD, with commentary and special features, because I’m a super nerd, and given your pfp and the fact you know how they framed it tells me you know a thing or two yourself!

    If I remember correctly, they framed it for wide-screen knowing that in the future it could be put out in other formats than TV, so wanted widescreen from the start. Bts footage shows the framing boxes for tv/wide on the monitors.

    I love catching mistakes and weird choices in my shows. For instance: in Firefly, Alan Tudyk is pretending to hold the controls of Serenity because they couldn’t have him up in the normal spot for framing reasons.

    But yeah, I’m actually rewatching SGA now and their weird focus issues (and let’s be honest, terrible backgrounds) are especially bad in season 1.