I’m not having fun or making money.
Who do I send a bug report to?
I’m not having fun or making money.
Who do I send a bug report to?
I have hypohydrosis & super sensitive skin. People in here don’t know shit about skincare or hygiene, apparently. Ironic. Lol so don’t take it too personal.
Then you can be a girl and everything can suck!
I have a special needs bearded dragon. Special needs because he was born without scales. Also, unfortunately, he is now mostly blind.
He has given me more grey hairs in his 5 years on earth than my previous 30. His care requires multiple skincare products, aloe, etc. His diet requires me to keep bins of cockroaches which also require their own food and water. He also requires heat & UVB bulbs with separate fixtures, and has a specialty “herpstat” that can automatically time the lights, control temperatures, report on humidity, etc.
He is a pain to care for!
I love him so much. I do it all happily and he’s a wonderful, friendly, sweet, amazing companion.
Woo woo! Auditory Processing Disorder!
The comments volunteering to assist with translation gives me the fuzzies. (:
I can’t leave.
I have a child with an abusive, vindictive ex-spouse. Regardless of me having sole custody, I would still need to get both the court’s permission and his permission just to move out of state, so god knows I will not be able to get out of the country.
I’m at a loss. I will not leave without my kid.
what happens here, effects everyone everywhere.
This is what people are going to find out very very soon.
The current situation has ties to their own country’s security and safety, when it all comes down to the guy who has ties to leaders who are “not-so-nice” and will be kicking some VERY large hornet nests.
Yes, Europe. Laugh at the dumb Americans, but y’all are going to reap the consequences of this outcome, too, unfortunately.
“Pokémon the Trading Card Game” has such a genuinely good fucking soundtrack!
I swear I’ve seen concept art once upon a time… was it Disney? But I remember it looking so cute!
Gotta have that classic Konamix. Chicks dig it. 😎
jk don’t listen to me. I don’t anything about gettin’ anything. Lol But you’ll have fun, that I do know!
I’d love an animated “Cats” movie! It’d be soooo cute!!
A few years ago, I invited a guy over and we ended up playing DDR on PS1. I had the window shades drawn because I live next to a road, have large windows, and I don’t want strangers seeing me flail around like an elephant seal having a seizure.
My mother dropped by unexpectedly and I opened the door, red, panting, and sweaty, with a strange man on my couch who was trying to look casual.
Tried to blurt out that it was a misunderstanding, but she side-eyed me and left quickly.
At least she always texts me before she drops by now? I’m ace, so, for me, it’s particularly mortifying.
I have a body that no clothes will fit. A very dramatic hourglass shape. If I see something cute, it definitely will not fit me.
Nothing. Fucking. Fits.
The worst part is the bras. The fucking bras!!! Why are US bra sizes so fucked?? I literally only wear ill-fitting sports bras now!!! Otherwise my tits are squeezed or wire stabs me or every other pain.
I also have stupid sensitive skin & hypohydrosis, so rashes & heat exhaustion are things I need to think about when getting dressed.
My kid got a potato this year! I was so proud.
My very best friend in the whole world mentioned a trans person, shook his head, and remarks that “we need a purge”.
I really, truly thought that different ideologies could get along until then. With that comment, I realized that, no, I cannot get along with an ideology that believes that marginalized groups “should not exist”. Because, deep down, a belief for their “non-existence” is a belief for their death. And I now refuse to have friends who believe things like that.
Civility is compliance. I kicked him out of my house, my final words to him, as he angrily screamed at me, being “bye, bitch, bye!” It hurt me so badly to lose my closest friend that day, but my life really did improve after that. Now he might actually have to pay for the therapy he so desperately needs. God knows, he won’t, because he believes that “mental health excuses are just pussy shit”, but considering he’s howling that no one has wanted to fuck him for the last x amount of years shows that his anger and bitterness are still holding him back. He’s insufferable.
Fuck any belief that punches down. Y’all deserve to exist peacefully and not be fucking bothered by dickheads about how you live your life.