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Joined 8 days ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2024


  • But it is. A symbol can mean different things in different context. For example, this hand gesture 👌 means okay in Western cultures but means something more insulting and offensive in Arab culture. Does that mean one is right and is the one and only representation of the gesture? Of course not. Same here. Swastikas have been around for thousands of years across many different cultures and has many different meanings. It’s just one variation of the symbol that ended up being used by the nazis and is offensive to most people. It’s silly and rather close minded to try to disregard all these disregard all these different context and meanings when many of them have been around for longer than the nazi variation. The principle applies here.

  • “everything I don’t like is propaganda” - Typical Lemmy user

    No, what I said is true. You’re Canadian, how do you not know this?

    Source: CBC

    Tens of thousands of Canadians are emigrating from Canada to the United States and the number of people packing up and moving south has hit a level not seen in 10 years or more, according to data compiled by CBC News.

    There’s nothing new about Canadians moving south of the 49th parallel for love, work or warmer weather, but the latest figures from the American Community Survey (ACS) suggest it’s now happening at a much higher rate than the historical average.


    Actual reasons cited in the article: Lower taxes, higher wages, affordable housing, dislike of Trudeau’s politics, cheaper groceries, increasing crime rates, increasingly disappointing healthcare system, and warm weather

    Whether you agree or disagree with these reasons is irrelevant. The point is that trend is there and it’s accelerating. So to your tongue in cheek point about Americans mass migrating north, that likely won’t happen because the opposite trend is occurring as we speak.

  • Reddit’s strategy is genuinely brain dead. Just think of the shit they’ve been up to:

    • Jacking up API prices to unreasonable levels and killing off third party apps that brought millions of users on to your platform
    • Continuously make the UI shittier and shittier to the point where it’s unusable
    • Do the same with the app
    • Kill off old Reddit which is the sole reason millions of users still use the site
    • Add awards and expand the feature to basically become paid reaction emojis
    • Remove awards even though they were one of the biggest revenue streams
    • Announce it was a mistake and add the awards again
    • Add avatars that nobody asked for and make some of them paid
    • Add a premium subscription that does nothing and do absolutely nothing to improve it
    • Add a bunch of useless features that nobody uses like Reddit live

    Truly the works of geniuses.