• 66 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • do you prefer a level headed voice trying to minimize palestinian casualties, or would you prefer Israel get the all-clear to steamroll Gaza indiscriminately, likely annexing it wholesale? Very clear choices.

    Would greatly prefer the former, but unfortunately no such candidate was on the stage.

    There was one guy lying about whether Israel wants to end the genocide while sidestepping the fact that he’s the one supplying the weapons and political cover.

    And then there was the guy telling the truth for the first time in years by pointing out that Israel very much DO want to keep the hostilities going…and then bemoaning that the other war criminal on the stage wasn’t being gleefully bloodthirsty in public about it.

    Definitely the stupidest timeline 🤦

  • Something similar happened to my dad. His “ignore the pain education” came from growing up on a very conservative family farm in the 50s and early 60s rather than from the military, but the result was about the same.

    One day, he rang up his GP complaining that his chest “hurt a little bit”. His doctor, knowing how much pain he would have to be in to ever mention it to others told him to get to the nearest hospital immediately.

    My dad did so, (DRIVING HIMSELF) and sure enough, his heart was so clogged up that he needed an emergency quadruple bypass.

    If he’d had said the same thing to a doctor who didn’t know him and his insanely high learned pain threshold, or followed his initial instinct of not complaining , he would have died home alone at only 50.

    Instead, he celebrated his 73rd birthday with friends and family a little over 6 months ago because he went against his son of a farmer “training”.

  • What news station hasn’t lied before?

    There’s a gigantic difference between

    A) sometimes accidentally saying something untrue due to sloppy work and then issuing a retraction when you find out or someone finds out for you

    B) sometimes accidentally or deliberately saying something untrue due to editorial bias and then issuing a retraction

    C) Having a deliberate strategy of lying on purpose to further an agenda while constantly accusing everyone else of the same

    Almost all of the news outlets in the world do A and B, rarely in most cases.

    Faux News have been doing C all day every day since 1996.