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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023

  • Not currently, but I might temporarily move back with family as my lease is ending soon, and I want to save money for a house or condo. I also would rather not sign a lease on a small place, and be stuck with a tiny 1bd studio apartment when my fiancé moves in with me. But I also don’t want to throw a ton of cash away on a 2bd unnecessary.

    I wish rent wasn’t so insane. I blame most of the companies now using algorithmic rent to control vast swaths of housing here.

    Once I switch jobs and really know where my new career is taking me, I can really start looking at the housing market. Praying for a good housing crash, or a dip that causes Black Rock and the other investment firms to panic sell all their real estate ❤️

  • Playing outside a lot more, which was really fun. Hit the beach or swim docks and jumped off the highdives. Went camping. Bike adventures, etc. Lots more physical toys like nerf, Lego, beyblades, etc. CD music players, cassette music players, or MP3 music players, depending on the era.

    People on the metro buses would read the paper to pass the time, listen to music, or read a book.

    Back then, you could rent videos or games at a rental place, and there were many more physical hobby shops (there still are, but for live stuff, like aquariums now). Malls were a lot more alive and were true third places. Though even back then, I found people gorging themselves in a materialistic frenzy rather…distasteful. People still do it, just via Amazon and fast fashion online.

    The biggest things I remember were how chill people were, the ubiquity of newspapers, smoking and cigarette holders outside, a lack of really any graffiti, and people being incredibly chill and a bit more open. There were also like, zero bike lanes or rail, so everyone drove everywhere.

  • I think he really just had to get his rhythm going. Biden was never really a terrific public speaker even at the best of times (Or Obama was just like, absolutely world-class). He did get his promises out, though.

    At the end of the day, Biden could have just twerked on stage for 100 min, and I still would have voted for him, as long as he has a plan for the next four years. He’s actually gotten a shocking amount of good stuff done for the average american, though some of it, like rebuilt bridges, high tech factories and prescription caps, might be years away before we reap the full benefits.

  • Yeah, FWIW, Biden actually talked about expanding stuff like drug price caps to save the government shitloads of money while also saving Americans money as well. Stuff like taxing people making over 400k a year only, lead pipe abatement, funding the ACA more, giving Ukraine the aid it needs to slap the dogshit out of russia, etc etc.

    If I had no idea about either president, at leask I know what Biden’s future promises are and what he told us he got done in the past four years, even if he did have some sections where he kind of mucked up like this kid did.

    Trump, while sounding more coherent vocally, was entirely all over the place with Afghanistan and immigrants bad (no plan?), and somehow he’s going to win the war in Ukraine and bring the WSJ reporter home, for free, before he’s even elected in just under five months. Oh, and apparently, he hopes he won’t die before then, though he didn’t sound so sure about that last night.

    If I was an uninformed voter, I’d be like “Damn, biden is old, but at least he has a plan and a good team judging off his pretty amazing track record” capping insulin at $35 a mo instead of $400 is fucking awesome, not to mention the other drugs too. The massive investment in the US economy was also nice. Battery plants in Georgia, chip fabs across the country, fixing infrastructure cia the bipartisan infrastructure plan…all great stuff.

  • Will that achieve anything?

    Yes! Various countries implement a “traffic light” style health meter that is legally required to be on the front of packaging that also gives a little subtext to say what causes it to be yellow or red (least healthy). So it will say stuff like “excess sodium” or “too much sugar” which actually does work. People don’t even realize that some staples are considered UPFs because of preservatives (Tortillas), or are otherwise unhealthy (too much sugar and preservatives in ‘health’ cereals and yogurts).

    This allows people to find staples that do not contain shocking amounts of sugar, preservatives, or highly processed options within the same category. It’s worked when implemented well :)

  • I think there are many great filters, but I think one of those filters is fighting over limited resources and wars. Perhaps limited to humans/earth, but I doubt it. Nukes, dropping rocks from orbit, and theoretical (but possible) weapons like black hole bombs are all going to tempt irrational beings to take someone’s stuff.

    We have to be extremely careful that we don’t accidentally trigger a weapon that is going to kill or dramatically cripple our civilization before we become a truly interstellar species. There is so much to learn out there, while so many people are currently focused on the wrong things such as minor conflicts or what children aren’t allowed to learn.

  • One of the images that has haunted me for years was a big protest over an important event that warranted a serious discussion and protest. But in the middle of it, someone broke into a nearby restaurant and made off with an entire cheesecake. Broad daylight, right in front of news cameras, their pale-ass face giving no fucks in the world.

    Fucking opportunists. They used to come every year and trash parts of the city during protests. Whenever they’d get arrested, they’d always be from neighboring states, never locals. It generates a massive amount of ill-will and casts legitimate protests in a bad light.

    Regardless of outcome, though, the most important thing we can all do is vote. Get everyone you can to actually turn out for local elections, state/province/territory elections, and national elections. Protesting is another tool between voting.