Let me tell you what I learned living around rednecks my entire life. They are the exact same as deer. They are dumb, they have no ability to have foresight, to think ahead or to plan. They just exist. My wife calls them NPCs. They go to work, breed constantly without thinking about money, drink beer, buy a truck and hate strangers. That’s all they know how to do so anything that any republican says, is blindly followed. They also mostly believe they are good Christians regardless of their deeds as long as they go to church. Religious people are the most easily manipulated of us so this is right up their alley. They are taught to follow and not question. I’m very much sure that a large majority of them don’t have inner voices or a concept of critical thinking. Just like deer, they just BE.
Ok captain fantasy land. “Ooooh the poor rednecks, won’t someone think of the rednecks” shuuuuuut the fuck up. They know exactly what they are doing or have you forgot that they tried to overthrow our capital, are racist, terrible parents, occasional child molesters, and seek to ACTIVELY harm you if you are on the opposite team. Spare me that bullshit, I’ve lived around them my entire fucking life, I know EXACTLY who they are.