• 5 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 6th, 2022


  • In my inexpert eyes, I don’t think group troops will help much because all the info about targets IDF has will become outdated as Hamas will move everything they can. And even if they wouldn’t, letting troops fighting at a foreign place, that the enemy has control at and can prepare amushes and traps at will risk more lives than letting civilians the chance to reposition and live (I don’t take into account the building that gets destroyed, its sad but not worth sacrificing lives for IMO, and that can be fixed with money), and from past lessons (more resources online obviously) I wouldn’t be suprised if Hamas will just use civilians as cover. Ground troops enterance won’t mean no civilian casuallties, Hamas makes sure of it, that’s part of how they get sempathy and support (such a disgusting act, It’s not even about what they’re fighting for at this point. Who acts like that??). And of course that’ll open the option Hamas waiting for the most, kidnapping soldiers.