Admin of

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  • 11 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: January 2nd, 2023


  • Ideally, it wouldn’t be either of those things.

    Trans communities for example, Closeted trans folk benefit from people being able to see trans communities and browse them, and just lurk before they post or before they’re ready to join a private community.

    Yet at the same time, sometimes, members have questions that really only other trans people can answer. And there is no problem with other folk seeing it or even engaging with the content, but once it hits all, the ratio of useful answers goes down. So being able to just stop some posts from hitting all, without otherwise locking them down would be a nice option

  • Blahaj zone doesn’t do downvotes, so that side of being visible on /all is a non issue. The only thing that really seems to be an issue is that we will get the odd post intended specifically for members of the community that get visibility in /all, and a bunch of non helpful/irrelevant replies.

    I think it would be nice to be able to make some posts “community members only”, but other than that, I generally think communities are helped by the increased of exposure that comes from /all

  • So, the things I appreciate as an admin are

    a) Make sure you state whether it’s simply a matter of breaking community rules, or whether it needs an admins attention. As it stands now, admins see all reports made for all communities on our instances, which can be a lot. I leave reports for communities that I don’t moderate, but they then sit around until a moderator actions them. And the large incoming volume, plus the older ones hanging around can make it hard to tell at a glance which ones require an admins eyes.

    b) If it’s not immediately obvious from the reported post, tell us where to find the context we need to see why the post is a problem. “Look at posters history” / “Will make sense if you read the previous post” etc.

  • Maybe its regional or cultural but the FTM trans I know well wouldn’t object to being referred to or lumped in with pregnant women on a general basis and if they did they are fully capable of correcting those refering to them with whatever term suits them.

    Cool. Whatever works for them.

    But it’s worth being aware that as you’re not trans yourself, the whole “I have trans friends who are ok with this behaviour many trans people feel is problematic” just sounds like the same excuses bigots have used over the years. “I have black/trans/female friends who are ok with <insert problematic topic>”.

    Secondly, even if you are accurately representing their perspective, no one is taking away anyones right to identify with whatever terms best work for them. The issue is not pushing terms on to others who don’t want them.

    Your friends can identify with pregnant women all they like, but it becomes an issue when trans men who don’t share that stance get told that they’re the problem

  • I have a couple of married friends. Both trans guys. They tried to adopt, and their options for surrogacy all fell through. So one of them carried their daughter. He didn’t want to do it, but they were out of other options, so he did.

    He wasn’t “female whilst pregnant”. He wasn’t a mum, a mum to be, a pregnant woman, or any other term like that. He was a pregnant man, or when needed for clarity, a pregnant transgender man.

    I’d ban you too, in a heartbeat, if you brought any of that bullshit in to a trans or queer sub that I moderate.

    You having a trans kid doesn’t give you permission to walk all over the voices and experiences of trans people trying to navigate pregnancy