here we go again

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was: /u/experbia

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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: December 20th, 2023


  • Mario Maker 3 will be the foundation of every Mario title from here on out - it’s Mario As A Service! Levels will be generated and stored in the blockchain, as NFTs, so you can make, sell and trade rare levels! Make your levels memorable by describing them to our AI Waluigi, who will take your descriptions and generate a level for a mere 13 USD worth of Platinum Nintencoins, tradeable on Coinbase soon! Don’t forget to keep your Gold Nintencoin balances topped off to make sure you have the best chances to get rare powerups! Try downloading our new companion app so Princess Peach can watch you use your phone and listen to your real-life conversations. If she likes what she hears, you’ll get free Nintencoins, so be sure to become a top Brand Ambassador for the best value! Wow MBA-level business sure is amazing! It’s weird that we keep losing customers though… can we make it illegal for customers to leave us, please? I learned in business school that getting what you want is just a matter of killing the right whistleblowers.

  • So you didn’t say “They’re actively proud of being gullible, stupid, victims to their celebrities?”

    i did indeed say that. what I didn’t say - and what I was clearly referring to with that quote you’ve pulled about me not saying a thing - is that I don’t view them as human, as you insinuated I said. if that’s your interpretation, you are incorrect. perhaps you’ve gotten confused by which part of my response correlates to which part of your messages. or perhaps you’re intentionally misconstruing it to make it appear as though you’re “dunking on me”, as usual for arguments with conservatives.

    I doubt you could even begin to explicate the conservative ideology in broad strokes

    i doubt it too, because there is a constant fundamental disconnect between what conservatism purports to be and what it actually practices. I doubt it’s possible for you to explicate it either in a way that isn’t immediately contradicted with the actions taken by your leaders and community, too. the closest thing to a stable ideology conservatism has had in the past 20 years is “liberals are the enemy: do the opposite of whatever they say, even if we were telling you to do it 10 minutes ago”.

    No you don’t. Stop bullshitting yourself.

    perhaps I should have emphasized “try”. it gets harder with every interaction with yet another deranged conservative lunatic who wants to make me illegal or dead because my mere quiet existence is somehow a threat to their misplaced feelings of superiority. I’m only human.

    i’m sleepy so let’s wrap it up like you all like to do: This has been fun, thanks for taking the L.

  • You’re utterly incapable of even considering people who disagree with you as fully human

    I’ve said and believe nothing of the sort. you’re confusing my ideology with the fascist dehumanizing ideology your party espouses to justify inhuman practices against foreigners and domestic minorities.

    surprised when [we] loathe and hate you

    this doesn’t surprise me at all. your entire political ideology would collapse if you didn’t unconditionally loathe someone. you’re putting the cart before the horse.

    certainty that everyone but you is stupid

    well, if someone does things that are really stupid over and over, is told that they’re stupid and provided evidence accordingly, but continues to do so anyway… quacks like a duck, looks like a duck, probably is. it’s hard to see it otherwise. I actively try to remember there’s a real person with a rich internal life on the other end, despite what you think otherwise, and despite the lack of reciprocal consideration from Republicans.

  • You are repeating a story designed for the rubes.

    Trying to shame conservatives like this doesn’t work. They’re actively proud of being gullible, stupid, victims to their celebrities. It’s their entire identity. They see this and think “hell yeah, you don’t want me repeating the story?? I better do it harder anyway!” - it doesn’t matter that you are actually saying “btw this makes you look very dumb and gullible”, all they heard was “i don’t like this”, and since you’re The Enemy™, they love what you don’t and hate what you do, and they double down on whatever it was, to Win Harder™.

    This is why they’ll often seem to take self-defeating or self-contradictory positions, and if you point that out, they take it as winning against you twice (instead of proving themselves wrong) and go straight to calling you a loser and patting themselves on the back.

  • probably. this doesn’t surprise me one bit.

    If you have a smart TV, it probably runs an ARM-architecture Linux or Android (which amounts to a bunch of extra stuff piled onto Linux) to drive the logic and ui to support connecting to the internet and downloading and updating streaming apps and other smart TV crap.

    most of the time they’ll run some minimal stripped-down version of these operating systems to support only features needed for the TV and it’s functions. buildroot is an open source project that specializes in producing hyper slim Linux OS installation images for devices like these.

    if I had to guess, they had a USB full of shows plugged in and the smart tv’s solution was to just boot up the linux version of VLC in a bare x session when the user hits play on “totally_not_pirated_smallville_s01e03.mkv” on their thumbdrive. not a terrible solution, honestly: VLC just plays anything.

    The old kernel is because a lot of low level hardware has available drivers written for it that are intended to be loaded into old versions of the Linux kernel (at time of release perhaps) and are then just never updated lol, at least not for ARM. sometimes there are breaking changes with kernel apis and stuff as the kernel version increases over time, so the easier solution for someone trying to make a TV, over begging and/or paying the hardware developers to update their drivers, is to just run an old kernel version.

    everything is a hack. nearly all these smart devices are just general-purpose computers with ancient (predictable, cheap) software and inescapable interfaces taped over the front, and a whole lot of digital duct tape on the back.

  • I don’t believe I’m immune to advertising but I don’t think advertisers are willing to admit that it’s just as easy to create negative brand associations as positive brand associations. when the only exposure you have to a product is frustrating and irritating and offensive, these feelings can bleed over when you see them on a shelf later.

    after many years of trying to ignore advertising and pretending I’m not influenced by it, I’ve admitted I am, just like everyone else. so instead of resisting the effects, I try to turn the feeling of brand familiarity into a warning sign: if I’m drawn by familiarity to a particular product, I question why before I buy. if the answer isn’t “a friend or i have used it and found it valuable/good”, then i remind myself that it’s not good enough on its own. they have to try and trick me into liking it, so it can’t be that good. if it were good, they wouldn’t have to drop dump trucks of cash into an ad agency to try and trick people into buying it. an ad for a thing means the thing is shit.