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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • Harris’s policies are misguided on a number of issues, but her main commitment is to strengthening the nuts and bolts of our democracy, so we will still have mechanisms available to challenge those policies and get them to change.

    Not only is Trump a thousand times worse than Harris on every bad policy she has, his primary commitment is to destroying the mechanisms of democratic participation, so that there will be no way to hold the powerful to account.

    I’ve read many thoughtful articles in TNR; I’m disappointed they would publish this one.

  • If your point is that Harris’s campaign team is full of people looking out for corporate interests, and that reflects poorly on her prospects for taking the side of the people when our interests oppose theirs … ok. It seems like you got a couple of snippets of evidence supporting that thesis: go, get your ducks in a row, and make a blog post with lots of links laying out the evidence as you see it, and we can consider it.

    Making a headline that’s clearly deceptive when considered to be a description of the linked article (which is totally what it is; there is no wiggle room on this) is not going to do anything but annoy people and get them to vote down your post, even if the information considered on its own is something we’d want to know. Someone else will post it with a reasonable headline, and we’ll vote that one up.

  • It’s easy to make shit up for people who never consider whether something is plausible as long as it suits their preferred narrative.

    Trump said during the debate that

    • In Democrat-run states, doctors routinely commit infanticide.
    • Undocumented immigrants, despite their need to remain constantly vigilant about not revealing their illegal status, come in massive numbers to the US at the insistence of Democrats and succeed in registering to vote, and voting (for Democrats, of course).
    • Crime rates are plummeting in every other country in the world, because they all are sending their criminals to the US to commit crimes here.
    • Immigrants are kidnapping family pets and eating them.

    Do Trump supporters actually take all that at face value? I … cannot begin to understand how that is possible, but evidently it is.