You may want to test Trilium Next, you can self host it and it has a lot of features. Used Logseq before but got tired of syncing on all devices.
This cow should do the trick.
## Lum...
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I think none, I created the environment variable on my .zshrc
file with: export LINUX_COPYPASTA="..."
I really love how LazyVim have support for a lot of languages as Extras. Once I needed Go formatting so, installed Go extra, restarted NeoVim and all was ready, in less than a minute!
Motherboard is an ASRock G31M-VS2 with a Pentium® Dual-Core CPU E5400 @ 2.70GHz. If I’m not confused Libreboot would replace the BIOS firmware?
I installed Debian 12 on my 14yo Pentium E5400 PC with 4GB RAM. I have installed on it: Pi-Hole, Jellyfin, Deluge, Grocy, Heimdall, HortusFox, Inventree, Portainer, Radicale, Speedtest Tracker, Trilium, WatchYourLan. Also have various samba shares. In the last year I have learnt a lot of server/Docker stuff, my server is not connected to Internet though. It’s been fun. I have had luck watching some HD videos through Jellyfin but others totally spike processor load avg. to 20 when normal values is 0.2, lol.
I migrated from Logseq to Trilium (on maintainance mode) because of the sync feature on server, so I access locally to notes on all my devices. The new project Trilium Next just released a beta version for testing, same UI but lot of changes on backend. It does not have a big plugin ecosystem but it’s powerful on itself.
I’m from tar.gz.gpg
gang to keep away nasty storage providers
It’s Hyprland, also I’m using waybar and tmux.
You need to apply 2 patches one in rusty-rain and another in ezemoji. In the main post I linked a PR for the ezemoji patch, you need that branch as dependency. Also there, I pasted another patch to be used on rusty-rain that uses your modified, local version of ezemoji, and a extra flag to choose FOSS icons. I’ll update instructions on the PR.
Nothing hard, you need to create in ezemoji a group that contains the codepoints of the glyphs you like and in rusty-rain add that group as an option. Check my ezemoji PR that’s the example you need because I did exactly that.
You can say it’s a Rust port, I was thinking why not make a better “cmatrix” and ended up finding rusty-rain, very neat!
And even allows emojis!
I’m still figuring out some things and also have been busy, eventually should be done.
@sixdripb@lemmy.world Sure no problem, I’m still not 100% how to proceed, I hope in any case it get resolved before new NF release.
Very nice icon, would you consider contributing it to font-logos project (where a lot of FOSS projects logos are, including Tux) that is used on nerd-fonts so people can use it on their terminals? Nice to see SolveSpace being used for it. Edit: Fix typo.
I wanted to upgrade my cringy username and realized it was very hard to choose something, after a while I decided to do the same thing Seba Jun (rest in beats) made for its stage name. 🎶
Most of the time is translations but from time to time is a tiny bit of code.
Not if you update every 4 hours ;-)