Gold holds a lot more value than that, being the only currency that doesn’t degrade or tarnish over time
Gold holds a lot more value than that, being the only currency that doesn’t degrade or tarnish over time
Then you wouldn’t have anything but the rapidly depreciating asset known as food.
I don’t give a shit about Putin. I don’t care about a capitalist nation attacking another capitalist nation over oil and one of them getting supported by the US because the mic needs forever war to continue existing.
But either both Ukraine and Russia are commiting genocide, or neither is. And the reality is neither is. We know what genocide looks like. Nothing even close to what’s happening in Gaza has ever happened in Russia or Ukraine… it’s not comparable using the same word.
Fuck it, I’ll be banned. There is no evidence of genocide in Ukraine post war. There is however extensive evidence of genocide from Ukraine in crimes and donetsk. Erasing Russian culture from ethically and culturally Russian regions and forcing them to learn Ukrainian instead of their native Russian is genocide
You people were literally using a yellow small eyed character to represent an Asian man you disliked.
No, he’s going to be president in two days because Hillary Clinton decided to boost him up using her connections in the media because she stupidly thought she could win against an anti establishment candidate while representing everything americans hate.
At least it’s not naturally racist like the Pooh reference was.
…yet he did send aid without congressional approval, unilaterally. Please pay attention to politics if you’re going to have such strong opinions.
As far as the thing I deflected I do not give a fuck about Ukraine period. It is a proxy war between the US and Russia, like Afghanistan was in the 1980s. We shouldn’t be arming them, because it will just end in Ukrainian born terrorists attacking the US in 20 years.
It is also not on the same scale, to the point it is not worth mentioning. More Palestinians have gone missing than Ukrainians have died.
Fascists flock together, hence why Biden went around Congress multiple times to deliver arms to Israel and sent troops without congressional approval to Israel.
Aipac didn’t care who got it hence why they were one of the biggest donors to the Harris campaign.
I’m sorry you got duped into being the bad guy.
The thing you people don’t understand is, for people that understand genocide, understand electoralism US dead at the moment we do it.
Trump doesn’t enter into the equation. He’s not a Boogeyman you can wave.
Genocide always expands. Jews weren’t Germany’s first or primary target. They weren’t even in the top five.
Biden made genocide the official position of the modern United States, meaning the US was going to target women, lgbtq, minorities besides Palestinians no matter who was in office.
No matter how you people bitch and moan about how awful it is that you’re now higher on the list of victims than you were before, it doesn’t change the fact you started this genocide domestically. It will be known in history as Biden’s genocide even as Trump continues it.
Around 5 billion people have smart phones, it was a first world problem a decade or two ago, everywhere has them. Hell for the poorest African nations a person is more likely to own a smart phone than a car or fridge.
So where, then, are kids getting money for gacha, if parents are buying games in your alternative world?
That would still be taking money from kids. One would assume marketing is involved so that’s tricking kids into making a purchase.
My solution is simply stop letting kids have video games. If we want to censor things, let’s censor them.
So all games should be free?
We shouldn’t allow children online or playing video games. If we’re going full jack Thompson, let’s go full jack Thompson. No one under 21 gets Internet or games.
There’s no edit mark on their replies.
You sure they’re not wars? The several million dead injured, and enslaved non whites targeted in said wars probably disagree.
…neither of those things were wars, and both of those campaigns were successful by any possible measure.
No, they don’t. They literally have no such system.