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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 15th, 2023


  • That sounds pretty reasonable. I feel so owned by technology lately. It used to be exciting to have tech that you could decide when you wanted to retire it and focus spending on something new and different that served a different purpose. Now I feel like I’m stuck with all the same basic gadgets but I just need to keep throwing money at them to replace them every few years. It’s about as unexciting as having to spend money on an oil change. I’m pretty primed by this as recently my electric objects picture frame just pulled the plugs on their server recently with no notice and bam, I have a black screen in my living room instead of pictures of my dog, family, and favorite artwork.

  • I’d rather buy a cocktail from a vending machine than a person tbh. If well programmed it should be able to get proportions perfect, there’s a fighting chance it might know what a right hand cocktail is, and if not it should have an option to let me select components. I don’t need to be an ass about being particular with what brand rums and vermouth I want, I can clearly see what’s available from the selection. It could also let me pick the most popular drink of the night or very quickly give me a mini sampler of a drink if I was feeling curious.

  • Unforgiven, the anti-space argument is always the same. “Let’s focus on earth first” Earth is always going to have problems, this mindset gets us nowhere. It’s not like the people thinking about the space poop problem would all be hard at work solving earth poop problems if they weren’t allowed to think about space waste. These things are so incredibly not mutually exclusive. Furthermore, it’s entirely possible that some out of box thinking about how to manage moon waste ends up making for a creative solution for earth waste management that has a huge impact. Perhaps we need little packets of genetically modified yeast placed in moon poop bags to eat up the waste, and it turns out that putting that in Portapotties helps with odor, decontamination and insect burden. Who knows. It’s never too soon to seriously start thinking about space problems.