• 91 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023

  • Try not to think like this. Over the last 10 years, between reddit in the past, and here now, I’ve had to use these places as my only external form of human social contact because of disability issues. I’ve noticed certain patterns emerge with the seasons. These places are largely dominated by certain regions of the world. When those regions go through seasons where the majority of people are doing things elsewhere, the comment and interaction quality decline noticeably. I’ve learned to not take it personally and I turn to other outlets to spend more of my time. This is when I do most of my gaming and reading. I’ve finished all of the primary Dune series and most of Asimov’s main series from Robots through Galactic and Foundation. Most recently, someone suggested the FOSS game Cataclysm Darker Days Ahead. While the theme is absolutely counterproductive for me, the game’s complexity and particularly the documentation of the source code and mods is absolutely fascinating to me. I’ve been exploring JSON tools when it comes to stuff with AI, and the game is like a guided masters class in functional use and tools that use JSON.

    Many people seem to think I’m an asshole or a “bad person” but most simply can’t understand my needs and interests. I never knew what disability was really like and its challenges prior to the day I got hit by a car. I probably had a stupid attitude and said stupid things that made people feel bad in my exact position now. I can’t blame others for their ignorance when condemning them is condemning myself.

    Personalities and functional thought are far more varied in humans than most of us realize in practice. I’ve explored this a whole lot over the last year with AI where it can simulate other contrasting perspectives in very complex ways while answering some really complex questions with relevant sources to back them up. This kind of personality analysis is a major aspect of what LLM’s are designed to understand. The more I’ve explored this topic, the more I have come to realize the binary approach to anything like a good and bad label for a human is completely inadequate. The cause and effect have no simple connections. Most of a person’s “bad” behavior is likely related to cognitive dissonance. If you look up what that really means, it is due to some level of conflict in a person’s life that they are unable to address or have limited/emerging self awareness. If you are noticing such behavior that could be related to cognitive dissonance, work to address the probable causes of underlying conflict in your life if you’d like to address the issue.

    My personal primary conflict is social isolation. That is what I am here to address. I don’t use corporate social media because I’m an outlier of their marketing and exploitation designs where they are unable to accommodate my needs. The inconsistencies of this place are not healthy for me, and it can have a very real impact on my life, but over time I’ve tried to pick up on the patterns and withdraw when I need to do so. Anything that shakes up or makes me question the underlying stability of a place like this is the most deeply disturbing to me. I’m also aware that there is a substantial misdirection campaign that happens with all major elections now. Anyone posting or commenting on such subjects are highly suspect to me. I look at their account activities and ignore or block them if they do not show a wide spectrum of activity and complexity. One day it will become public knowledge that conservative asshats have no morality whatsoever, never have, and are paying thousands of people to post, comment, and write bots to maintain their criminal activities and control. Their presence is completely disproportionate to the population and interests the government represents. When those subhuman jackasses could no longer enslave people outright, they simply shift their focus to redefine slavery to put everyone in their chains. Anyone commenting some shitty nonsense with an account that has little history or a lot of history with no depth is some unethical criminal being paid to do so, is not worth my time or thought, and is absolutely the reason I was right in the first place. Look up the Plutonic definition of sophism and keep in mind that there are some people with a love for their own sadism. These places online are full of people that can be fucked with and there are many that love to take advantage of those that are here for their real human needs. Do not hesitate to disregard anyone that evokes a negative emotion to a well intended comment.

  • What do you think it would take to make this vote tally thing automated by a bot? Like ideally one could set up the whole thing to tally, send a few direct messages around and fall back to defaults if there is no reply set within a given amount of time. I’m not criticising anyone here. From my perspective after hosting once, the whole tally and generation of the next challenge is a bit of a drag where automaton and routine would help improve participation IMO.

  • Invisibly; by trying to post in it and encourage others to do so. There is not much management to do with such a small community. The majority of regular users watch the All feed, so subscriptions are really just a way to bookmark the community to post in it or find it more easily. For smaller or new communities, expect it to be more like your personal blog as it is unlikely to be something others will post in regularly. The majority of communities that are hourly-active were made prior to the rexodus of June 2023, or within a few weeks thereafter.

    Unless you’re in a very controversial space, actively micromanaging a community is likely an issue with the mod not the community IMO. The admins take care of the majority of wack-a-mole nonsense here.

  • How are finishes so durable and thin?

    My assumption of a lack of post processes is because I come from a background of automotive refinishing and repair, where I’ve owned a shop and painted for many years along with getting into custom art graphics and airbrushing. The only finishes I know of that provide a similar durability are two part urethanes. Those are far too thick by comparison. When cutting into plastics that have been moulded, the finish shows no signs of mechanical layering or bonding like a post process finish in most cases. Often a cleanly broken or cut part shows a similar type of penetrating surface alteration I associate with a polishing operation, where the surface transitions in color and grain structure with in millimeter or few (in cases where the break is clean and does not appear to be influenced by stress alterations like ABS where it whitens under tension).

    How does chromate conversion work with a prep regime and what kind of wet paint can offer similar durability to a 2k urethane when it is impossibly thin? Like I know the limitations of urethane well when it comes to corners and pointy bits where it will thin from surface tension. There is not a chance in hell that the buttons on the side of my phone could be painted with such a finish with an even conformal coating and remain durable for years of constant abrasion. Is there a name for this class and type of finish? Where are they sourced? What is the scale of the industry? Is there a way to access the process and products at a small scale?

  • They told us they were going to invest in EV R&D back in 2014. You know, back before we had that orange anal experience of a Russian puppet wannabe pornstar felon president. We put 6b into GM to compete; they pumped their stocks with it. Such is 3rd world America. Lay off the McCarthy bullshit whining about investing in R&D to mask corruption and ineptitude. This was no fucking surprise. Spinning this bullshit is just trying to justify screwing over average Americans with overpriced undeveloped bloated unaffordable garbage made to pad our useless incompetent oligarchy’s pockets.

  • Slowly trying to learn sh while using mostly bash. Convenience is nice and all, but when I encounter something like OpenWRT or Android, I don’t like the feeling of speaking a foreign language. Maybe if I can get super familiar with sh, then I might explore prettier or more convenient options, but I really want to know how to deal with the most universal shell.

  • Yeah, but depends on a person’s goals. I don’t mind being doxed. The privacy thing I’m really concerned about is manipulation of data related to the host server; apps that are used like data loggers of sensors; tracking dwell time; page views; likes, blocks, etc. I care far less about what I say to others in public. I vehemently claim that owning the data about any individual is theft of autonomy, failure of democracy and government, and a form of slavery if one plays out the total philosophical circumstance and implications. Anyone that holds such data about someone else with the intent to manipulate in any way whatsoever is a criminal. I’ve been a Buyer for a retail chain, collected and analysed tons of customer data. This has nothing to do with how data is collected and used now, but this is used as justification for the present criminal data manipulation industry.

    As a disabled person, I need to connect with humans more, and as much as I can here. I totally respect those of you that have other priorities that limit your conversational topics of interest, and I don’t wish to violate those. This place is just my version of a public square, where I’m trying to make general conversation. -warmly

  • Diffusion models do not parse natural language like a LLM. All behavior that appears like NLP is illusionary. For the most part. You can get away with some things because of what is present in the training corpus. However, any time you use a noun, you are making a weighted image priority. By repeating “shuttle” in this prompt, you’ve heavily biased to feature the shuttle regardless of the surrounding context. It is not contextualising, it is ‘word weighting’. There is a relationship to the other words of the prompt, but they are not conceptually connected.

    In a LLM there are special tokens that are used to dynamically ensure that the key points of the input are connected to the output, but this system is not present in generative AI.

    To illustrate, I like to download LoRA’s to use on offline models, I use a few tools to probe them and determine how they were made, like the tags used with training images, what base model was used, and the training settings they used. Around a third of LoRA’s I have downloaded contain natural language in the images that were tagged. This means the LoRA related term I use for generating should be done with natural language.

    This is the same principal required for any model. You should always ask yourself, how often is this terminology occurring in the tags below an image. You might check out gelbooru or danbooru just to have a look at the tags system used there for all images. That is very similar to how training happens for the vast majority of imagery. It is very simplified overall.

    The negative prompt is very different in how it is processed compared to the positive. If you look at the respective documentation for the tool you’re using, they might make some syntax available to create a negative line, but they likely want you to use their API with a more advanced tool.