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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: March 23rd, 2022


  • As far as I can tell this just fixes some relatively minor issues the contributor was experiencing deploying the hacky self-host stack on his Kubernetes home lab or private server. It doesn’t bring anything new to the table, and I’m not sure that a full on Kubernetes or similar distributed swarm deployment is really what the average self-hoster needs or even wants.

    It could just be that Omnivore tries to do too much for it to be feasible to self host. It was also conceptualized with certain third-party backend services in mind which makes it tricky to adapt.

    Maybe I’m asking for too much, but I would be looking for a two service stack, one for the app and one database service. The current and forseeable future state of Omnivore is four backend services excluding the database, and like I already pointed out you’re not even getting the full feature set.

  • To answer your questions:

    1, because under the colonial-imperial “international rules based order,” might equals right.

    2, because the US is a settler colonial project just like Israel. The US leadership doesn’t have any problem at all with the treatment of Palestinians. They just want to maintain their “landed aircraft carrier in the middle east” and making some money off it’s natural resources in the process is a nice bonus.

    The US also pretends it never violated the rights of the multitude of groups it’s either nearly eradicated or severely oppressed (Indigenous, Black, and Chinese, just to name a few from the 19th century).

  • What good man would prefer a country covered with forests and ranged by a few thousand savages to our extensive Republic, studded with cities, towns, and prosperous farms, embellished with all the improvements which art can devise or industry execute, occupied by more than 12,000,000 happy people, and filled with all the blessings of liberty, civilization, and religion?

    - US President Andrew Jackson, talking about the Indian Removal Act of 1830

    According to historian H. W. Brands, Jackson sincerely believed that his population transfer was a “wise and humane policy” that would save the Native Americans from “utter annihilation”. Jackson portrayed the removal as a generous act of mercy.[34]

    According to Robert M. Keeton, proponents of the bill used biblical narratives to justify the forced resettlement of Native Americans.[35]


  • From their blog post (linked to by the docs page) about self-hosting:

    The following Omnivore features will not be included in this minimal Omnivore setup:
    - The web app (we will use the iOS app from the AppStore as our client)
    - Search of PDFs
    - Saving URLs instead of pages (more on this below)
    -Receiving newsletters via email
    - Text to speech

    Not only that, they use a non-self hosted elasticsearch provider.

    Their example docker-compose file in the repo has no less than four containers defined, not including the database server, and you have to build them all yourself, so it’s more of a local dev environment type deployment rather than production.

    Here’s their “make self-hosting more practical” Github issue, coming on two years old with no progress: https://github.com/omnivore-app/omnivore/issues/25

    All of that was more than enough for me to not even bother to try to deploy my own instance. I manage with Wallabag for now, it’s not the greatest implementation either but at least it can be self-hosted. Omnivore looks slick but the backend just doesn’t keep up.

  • It’s neat how it’s so easy for capitalist governments to authorize money for killing people, but when it comes to social spending there isn’t even a penny to spare.

    The German finance minister has been gleeful up on his high horse preventing additional spending on important things Germans need, but approved a €100B special fund for the military in 2022 outside of the bounds of the federal budget.

    I think it’s also worth mentioning that most of the US “aid” is actually loans. Even their food aid comes with real strong strings attached. The US owns Ukraine at this point. Although I’d don’t know how German aid spending or military spending in support of Israel in general is structured.

  • They’ll stop after the revolution.

    I really think it has less to do with the Holocaust and more to do with the material interests of the German capitalist class. Especially now when cheap Russian energy is off the table, so cheapish Middle Eastern energy will have to do. The only way that cheapish energy is readily available is if the US’ Middle Eastern aircraft carrier and forward operating base is open for business.

    Repentance for the crimes of the past is just a really convenient way the same capitalist class can get the plebs on board with their imperial designs.