Old guy but told I’m cool IRL. I’ve been a Liberal most of my life. However, recent political events have disturbed me so much, that I realized only conservatives have a reasonable plan politically. Gender and Identity politics are the fuel that convinced me that Liberals are becoming totalitarian.
That’s good to hear — the news coming from London over the weekend sounds like at least some elites over there are doubling down. They’ve invested so much in this, I fear it will be difficult to give up, (for them), Until these people are thrown out of office. Hopefully, total war doesn’t happen before!
Because the ‘Deep State’ didn’t like the results, they are now intimidating the right leader of Romania. The people have spoken who they want, but the EU can’t have that!
Of course my stance is unpopular with the left, but the left is delusional about facts. Here is an impartial opinion by a renowned liberal journalist who is beyond refute. Learn some recent history, folks. The truth is the truth, whether it responds with your world view or political belief. https://consortiumnews.com/2025/02/23/yes-ukraine-started-the-war/
That’s war, if you don’ t like that, perhaps Ukraine shouldn’t have been involved in trying to hurt a border nation and allowing NATO inside its borders. FAFO!
The news zine is supported by US government money; therefore they represent what the Biden Administration narrative was and is. Funny how they never mentioned that they themselves were recipients of USAid when they reported on USAid being cut off. A lot of delusional people out there, and we’re not being fooled anymore by this propaganda. Also stop trying to through the messenger under the bus. There is no way in hell that Ukraine is winning, they’re losing ground daily. Stop the B$ and delusions.
It’s still a biased source and promotes false narratives. Nothing I said is incorrect. You seem to be a very aggressive Ukrainian supporter and not aware of facts. They were hardly independent if dependent on USAid. 🤦🏽♂️
From the Kyivpost supported 100% by USAid funds. This is 100% propaganda and untrue by the same %. This doesn’t belong in any news group.
That’s often NOT the case. Executives are looking at their share price each quarter. It’s rarely about the ‘health’ of the corporation.
😉 You folks have a funny accent, you should take New Scotland, New Brunswick, NFLD and Labrador because they talk funny too. (jkg of course)
This is what my issue was to — unfortunately, I didn’t see this post before removing Jellyfin server. Couldn’t find this in the official help docs - so someone might want to add this to the help and quick-start guides.
It would be difficult to fire thousands of people if one wasn’t a sociopath, methinks.
I’m an experienced user, I know what I’m doing. I’ve been using GNU/Linux since '96.
No, I tried everyway with complete paths, I used that as one example. The software is a POS.
I’ve set the paths properly and explicit. This is on Debian Stable. Uninstalled, not going to waste anymore time on this.
Oh, that’s interesting.
Yeah tried that. It doesn’t even recognize standard paths like ~/user directory
Jobs was a salesman, Woz the engineering brain.
Jobs was just as sociopathic as Musk. You have to be to lead any corporation that relies on profit and is public. People that worked closely with Jobs often said he was an arehle and didn’t care about people’s feelings.
Obviously not an authorized bio. lOL
Let’s just ignore that both France and Germany admitted that the Minsk 1 and 2 were never going to be carried out by Ukraine, or the EU. Don’t believe the meme! We’ve been lied to since the beginning of 2014 about the Ukraine Project.