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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023

  • Hahahahahahahaha, oh that’s a good bit. I have never seen better proof of “cut a liberal and a fascist bleeds” than when it comes to Ukraine and Israel. Zelensky came to power after a right wing coup orchestrated by the CIA, his corrupt government has pilfered billions of dollars in aid, and he’s suspended elections. I can’t wait for a couple years from now when these same libs are making excuses for Trump suspending elections and the Supreme Court eliminating presidential term limits.

  • Once x86 macOS became stable around snow leopard I switched from Linux to macOS full time on my mobile machines. For years home brew was a shining light to get a decent tool chain installed to be able to do development. But somewhere around the time they changed to naming macOS releases after places in California, both home brew and macOS started changing in ways that made it harder to maintain a stable development environment. Why and when did it start deciding to upgrade every package I have installed when I try to install a new package? It regularly broke both mine and our developers’ machines and I finally had enough of both. Stay away from home brew if you want your working development environment to continue working 6 months later. It WILL break when you need it most and cost you hours if not days of work to fix. I’ve never ran home brew on Linux but it’s honestly not anything I would ever consider even when it worked well.

  • How about this? Once you reach $1b in cash and assets, regardless of where that cash and assets are parked, you get a trophy saying “Congratulations you did it!”, and then we take the remainder of your cash and assets and use it for the advancement of humanity. Providing food, water, and shelter for every human being on the earth. We use it to build high speed rail and local transit infrastructure that is free or low cost. We can even name them after you and put up statues. We use it to provide healthcare and education to everyone. At the end of every year, if you have >$1b in combined cash and assets then you get to fill out a form saying which combination of the cash and assets you want to keep up to $1b, and the rest is given to the state.

    This is the peaceful, “reasonable” option that even liberals should be able to get behind. But they will make excuses about how they deserve it and the policy is wrong even as they are being exploited.

  • If russia wants to go nuclear, so be it.

    Geez, NATO libs have really gone all in on nuclear armageddon won’t be all that bad actually. I’m sure you think you won’t be sent to the front lines if the US and NATO ends up in a multi front war with Russia, China, India, Brazil, multiple African nations, Cuba, Venezuela, and an ever growing list of other countries.

    Maybe we should just chill out and accept that we live in a multipolar world and work together for common goals instead of fighting pointless wars to enrich the shareholders and prop up capitalism for a few more years before it collapses under its inherent contradictions.

  • I don’t think you can extend a partition at the beginning, only the end of the partition. This is because the partition header and table is written at the beginning of the partition (i.e. the file system needs to know where to start reading so that it can traverse files and directories in the partition). To support resizing a partition at the beginning data would have to be moved to the new beginning of the partition, and exactly which data needs to be copied differs from file system to file system so it’s not something supported by a partition manager such as KDE partition manager. Therefore, the only way to do what you want is to backup the partition, delete it, and create a new partition at the beginning of the drive and the restore the contents of the partition.

    Extending a partition at the end is much simpler, basically some header just gets updated and says this is the new end of the partition, and then a file system specific command lets the files system know that you now have all of this free space available for use.