• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • neuracnu@lemmy.blahaj.zoneto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneRule!
    16 days ago

    I started paying attention to this stuff back when Dolby Pro Logic was new, which was a pretty clever way to get surround effects using only left and right audio channels. Left and right channels went directly to the front left and right speakers, but it also compared wave forms coming from the left and right channels. Any wave forms that matched got sent to the center channel (like most on-screen dialog) and any that mismatched got sent to the rear surround speakers (noise, ambience, etc). It wasn’t perfect by any measure, but it was a pretty clever hack.

  • The context kind of makes sense here. The image is from The Killer, about a supposed top-tier hit man who gets in over his head. But it turns out he’s a huge try-hard who kinda sucks at getting the job done and makes noob mistakes at every turn. Trying to blend in on a European street with a bag of McDonald’s breakfast on a park bench is perfect.

  • Kinda sorta. Marsha P. Johnson was a part of the queer vanguard at Stonewall, and dropped a brick on a police car (on the second night of rioting), but may not have started it.

    From wikipedia ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marsha_P._Johnson#Stonewall_uprising )…

    According to Carter, Robin Souza reported that fellow Stonewall veterans such as Morty Manford and Marty Robinson had witnessed Johnson throw a shot glass at a mirror in the torched bar, screaming, “I got my civil rights!” Souza told the Gay Activists Alliance shortly afterwards that it “was the shot glass that was heard around the world”. Carter, however, concluded that Robinson had given several different accounts of the uprising and in none of the accounts was Johnson’s name brought up, possibly in fear that if he publicly credited the uprising to Johnson, then their well-known mental state and gender nonconforming, “could have been used effectively by the movement’s opponents”. The alleged “shot glass” incident has also been heavily disputed. Prior to Carter’s book, it was claimed Johnson had “thrown a brick” at a police officer, an account that was never verified. Johnson also confirmed not being present at the Stonewall Inn when the rioting broke out, but instead had heard about it and went to get Rivera, who was at a park uptown sleeping on a bench, to inform her about it. However, many have corroborated that on the second night, Johnson climbed up a lamppost and dropped a bag with a brick in it onto a police car, shattering the windshield.

  • Move on from the dog-murder shit already. Rural and farm animals get killed by their owners. That’s how farms work. Grow the fuck up about it.

    Anyone with any practical experience in farming knows that the lives of animals used for service are cheap and are freely killed when they outlast their practical usefulness.

    This happens every day. And all the pearl-clutching over this only serves to alienate rural voters who are well-aware of this. And maybe they could be reached with appeals to livable wages, lack of access to viable health care or the autonomy of their own bodies. But framing a “yuck” campaign around the unpleasant truths of rural life drives an empathy wedge between that voter and pearl-clutching “animal loving” city dwellers who adore their dogs and cats and don’t give a second thought to where their hamburgers and chicken nuggets come from.

    This is not important. What matters is her legislative history. Working to amend the 14th amendment to define “personhood” as conception, loosening gun control, being an opponent of the Affordable Care Act, supporting Trump’s 2017 Muslim travel ban. These things matter.