I am against, fascism, homophobia, transphobia, and others. (not exclusive to the list provided)

I believe in creating a and operating in a safe space and would never go after a person for what they believe in.

If I sense hate or annoyance from users, I either just don’t engage, and may report.

  • 5 Posts
Joined 29 days ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2024


  • Jokes on them as I don’t care about my warranties, never did. Call me a dumb consumer, but atleast I wrecked the big evil corporation.

    edit: I didn’t know about Nintnedo doing this, I just knew about the cheaply made joycons that would drift by deSign after a certain point. The sollution to this was so simple but Nintendo chose not to fix it for the entire Switch’s life spawn.

    Leaving it up to 3rd party switch controller manufacturers. Which who knows how long untill they try to ban 3rd party controllers on Nintendo consoles.

  • There was a u.s law passed just a few months ago that makes it illegal in the u.s to talk against Israel.

    There are allot of sentences stating what could be antisemitic but it’s not limited to those, and theirs a specific definition it tells people to look at.

    However, there are many reasons that add up to why the video may had been removed. I personally don’t think there was exclusively just one specific one reason for the videos removal but a atleast a couple of leading factors.

    Some examples of what might add up to why it was removed could be,

    1. various countries just this past year introduced various hate speech laws,

    2)many countries concluded together and have a more united focus on tackling hateful speech. Trying to keep the world at a peaceful state, especially for minority groups that need these protections.

    There are a few others I can’t think of right this second. but all these reasons add up to the final decision for the moderation action of the video takedown.

  • Why does Mozilla need ad dollars? Firefox is open source? If they don’t have a search engine what buisness do they feel thatvthey need this? Ads in Firefox potententially incoming??

    If they would just stick with Firefox and nothing else they would be alright but they just keep doing things their userbase won’t like. They keep rissing their own expenses, for what? And wonder why no one uses Firefox. I wonder why.

    The android app is about as clunky like Chrome even though it doesn’t need to be. Try other open source browsers like Lighting, which can view most modern sites and are just better made and don’t feel clunky and slugish.

    The day they announced vpn services I dropped from Firefox. Because now its going to be more expensive for them. And they did more since then.

  • Since you asked, and I commented on Lemmy about this before.

    Back in the Windows XP and even Windows 7 days Microsoft was trying to sell computers to people. It had to convince people why computers are worth their time.

    Fast forward to Windows 10 and now it’s, “ok we now got an audience that’s addicted to our operating system, lets see what we can get away with. We might lose like 1% to Linux and like 5% to mac doing some of these while most of everyone won’t switch at all. and we increase our profits.”

  • I use to care, but then I just use Peertube. Oh but there’s not as much content on Peertube. Put the type of content you like on Peertube make a channel it is free. Another tip is, look for specific types of content, and not specific content creators. and if you happened to find a creator you know or knew, follow them on Peertube!

    I have plenty of tech Peertube channels that keep me up to date on Peertube, and it’s a type of platform that will never have ads or go a direction I don’'t want it to as a whole in terms of federation of servers and being an opensource video platform.

    Server can surely make some unwelcomed decisions, and I can just change servers easily. Better then Youtube no ads, and your experience does not get throttled.

  • Linux has come along way, there was a time just getting Linux to run, and then to run apps on it was just unmanageable. I mean, you could do it but most people wouldn’t want to compile the kernel. Nor would they know where to start to do that, coming from Windows XP or even 7. They’d ask, what’s a kernel, and all you had was a terminal, and I assume the terminal wasn’t as user friendly as it is now back then but idk about that.

    Windows use to just work out of the box, Microsoft used to care back then because in my opinion they were just trying to sell the idea of just using a computer to people. Now that they got people using computers, most with Windows on it then they go to the next phase, make money. The product is less of a concern, but they want to make money off their users.

    You can expect Windows to be more modern and up to date on corporate trends, but not so what you want as a user. They aren’t trying to sell computers and operating systems any more, they already got people hooked to using their os, that’s what they probably cared about back then.