Who are we all really kidding with any semblance of expectations, though? It hasn’t even been 100 uears since Kennedy and the crack job that was the Warren Commission.
Who are we all really kidding with any semblance of expectations, though? It hasn’t even been 100 uears since Kennedy and the crack job that was the Warren Commission.
He aims to cut federal funding for schools defying his policies and eliminate the U.S. Education Department.
He aims to use funding as a cudgel to coerce schools to do his bidding while also aiming to remove the cudgel he plans to use to coerce schools to do his bidding.
I wish it had stopped with clocks.
Sadly, no, we were forced to eat the minstrels in the frozen lands of Nador.
I really loved Magnamund, the world setting for Joe Denver’s Lone Wolf adventure books and their later novelizations.
Just after they have some tea and cake.
Yes, specifically the Logan Act.
Musk has joined key diplomatic calls and even attempted to broker peace with Iran.
That’s a pretty clear violation of the Logan Act. Gettin’ blue from holding my breath over here.
I only have this one upvote, but it is yours.
Platnet and iNaturalist are pretty good for plant identification as well, I use them all the time to find out what’s volunteering in my garden. Just looked them up and it turns out iNaturalist is by Seek.
No source, sorry, but I heard a clip of a senator stating they should subpoena the report as relevant to the confirmation process.
I admire your confidence in me.
My wife relented on her “no Tom Cruise movies” stance because he dies 200+ times in it.
Not self-hosted but Language Transfer is pretty awesome.
Repeat with me the Latin American mantra: Nothing Fucking Works®.
Costa Rica does!
And lifetime pension regardless of time served.
The pension value can be up to 80% of the member’s final salary, which is $174,000 per year. At an 80% rate, that’s a pension benefit of $139,200. (The Speaker of the House has a salary of $223,500. The Senate President makes $193,400, as do the majority and minority leaders in the House and Senate.) All benefits are taxpayer-funded.
Post How-I-Married-An-Axe-Murderer How I Married and Axe Murderer.
“Look at the sieze o tha boy’s heid. I’m no kiddin. It’s like an orange on a toothpick.
No kiddin. His heid’s like Sputnik. Spherical, but quite pointy in parts.
Ooh, that was off-sides, wasn’t it? He’ll be cryin’ hiself to sleep tonight, on his huge pilla!”
Is it possible to be part of an administration if you’ve only been named as part of a department that doesn’t exist?