I like my bubble and I have a lot tolerance for BS and a high count blocklist. I’m just tired of it all.

  • 1 Post
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: September 28th, 2023


  • That’s not the headline in the article.

    A company includes the people working on those calls. Like the person in the article who gave out the information and I don’t blame them for this. I’m blame bad management and bad processes.

    A call handler shouldn’t have to make a snap decision on handing over private data. It should all be written down for them to follow. Including passing a court order over to the legal team who, you’d hope, have the expertise to determine a good one from a bad one, or at least have a way to validate it.

    I’m not being pedantic. I’m trying to ensure that the people on the end of the phone are not getting the blame for a failure of management. Which is why I made the distinction.

  • I have no context on it so maybe my post was unfair.

    Putting myself in the position of reaching out, I think I’d just have made the decision that it should need removed, and removed it from the kerne without reaching out. I feel that somebody who killed his wife doesn’t get to be involved in those conversations.

    That purely my opinion saved I appreciate it’s likely not popular. Just being honest. I can see the other side. And I do appreciate the part about closure. That makes sense.

  • I don’t think he has. I disagree. I think he wants Linux to be Windows and that is a huge mistake.

    I didn’t move to Linux because the software is so much better than on Windows. I moved to Linux because it gets out of my way, doesn’t spy on me and development is focused on making it better for me as a user and not to suit the next Skynet.

    Linux allows me to be more productive and gives me functional software that does what I need it to. Sometimes it’s not pretty but I don’t care. It does the job.

    If companies start taking on developing or porting their stuff to Linux, then Linux is going to end up like Windows - a shit show of corporate greed and an OS designed and focused for hoovering up users private information.

    I don’t want that.

    It doesn’t have to be like that. Much like the turtle and the scorpion story, companies do what is in their nature: they must keep making more and more and more to satisfy the shareholders greed and that does not align with me getting a better experience. It’s just how things are.

    I personally couldn’t care less about Adobe’s software. Kdenlive is not Premiere Pro, but it does what I need it for. GIMP isn’t Photoshop, but does what I need it to. Krita or Inkscape isn’t Illustrator but I don’t use them. What astounds me is each of these are free and are incredible pieces of software.

    As somebody else pointed out. If you want to use Adobe products, either use Windows as your primary OS or dual boot. It’s not hard. At all. Same for AutoCAD. Just because Windows is an either / or, for me, doesn’t mean it has to be for you. Use both.

  • Stop perpetuating this nonsense that YouTube is free. Google is a for profit company. It was never free. You always paid with your data. And even when you subscribe they continue to profit from your data.

    Google makes a healthy profit, with or without your subscription money. They just want more. And more. And more. To satisfy the insatiable greed of shareholders.

    Hopefully your passion to pay for ‘free’ services extends to your Lemmy (and other Federated services) instances. Not just monopolies like Google.

  • That’s not what all your posts suggest.

    You said above you don’t like that users of lemmy.world are having their posts removed and that a censored view is being shown.

    Your original posts mentions the instance by name and you say over and over in multiple comments that you don’t like what the admins are doing.

    So if you don’t think they meant any harm, why have you just shit all over them since you posted this.

    You come across as a self entitled douche who wants to tell people what to do with their instances because you’re unhappy about a single post being removed. In comment after comment.

    How about you ask the admins what happened here and determine if there’s an actual problem rather than shitting on them in public? That would be the right and respectful thing to do.