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Joined 26 days ago
Cake day: June 3rd, 2024

  • Protesting what exactly?

    Protesting monster trucks becoming the default go-to vehicle to go run an errand or drive to work. You don’t need a “child-destroyer-3000: now Electric!” taking 3 lanes of width, weighing 20 tonnes, and occupying 4 parking spots, to go to your bakery or pick up the kids from school.

    What exactly is moral about vandalizing these cars?

    If certain vehicles end up costing more to manufacture/protect/repaint than the revenue upon sale, the company will stop manufacturing them. Same idea as deflating SUV wheels which are parked on the street: make lives for SUV drivers inconvenient so people won’t want an SUV.

    Also this notion that protests are only effective if they’re disruptive is a myth. If that was the case then the George Floyd Riots would’ve led somewhere or the pro Palestinian encampments would’ve led somewhere or all those climate protesters damaging historical monuments and art would’ve led somewhere or all those animal rights activists blocking streets would’ve led somewhere… but they haven’t. All they’ve done is lead people to resent them.

    “What did the resistance to Nazi occupation by the Polish people lead to? It didn’t work, genocide happened anyway, and all they did is making Nazis resent them”.

    I’m sure you’re aware that people engage in challenges they don’t know for certain they can achieve, right?

  • You can absolutely reduce coal and gas without batteries. Hydro is a thing, nuclear also exists. Maybe it’s cheaper and more environmentally-friendly to disconnect some solar and some wind from the grid during excess peak production and keep the nuclear running, than having huge storage? Also you’re forgetting about the possibility for instant demand response, imagine things like AC units in summer or heaters in winter, where they could be turned on automatically during peak production to keep your house comfier for no cost.

  • volodya_ilich@lemm.eeto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneUkraine rule
    12 days ago

    Thing is, a total military defeat of Russia has seemed very unlikely for all the duration of the conflict. It’s been ongoing for more than two years, and the only results so far are more Ukrainian territories occupied, and more death and destruction. Peace negotiations should be kept open at all times, and it should be up to Ukrainian people to decide the terms they agree to. Sadly, it has surfaced in an investigation from Foreign Affairs that some western powers like the UK or the US pushed Ukraine to stay in the war, for reasons that we can only speculate about. So, what’s the best course of action now?

  • It benefits NATO countries to curb the expansion of a rival power

    “Rival” power is a matter of choice though, isn’t it? The EU could as easily have chosen to align with Russia as with they’ve done with the US. In the same way that both France and Germany are powers but they’re not really rival. EU should have gone its own way after 1991, NATO stopped making sense after the communist block was dissolved, and the fact that it kept growing and moving further towards the east in violation of the agreements reached last century, kinda shows that it’s not a defensive alliance as much as it is subservience to US’s geopolitical interests.

    This isn’t to say the EU should be aligned to Russia or that the war in Ukraine isn’t primarily Putin’s fault, or that there shouldn’t be a military alliance in Europe, I’m just saying the US shouldn’t belong to it, let alone dictate its terms.

  • Almost as if, hear me out, I won’t praise any private company whose profit motive is making killing easier :0

    The INSTITUTIONS of the US in general aren’t responsible for the social progress in feminism and LGBTQ+ and racial issues, let alone the military or the industrial complex behind it. It’s the people in the US who are behind all of this momentum, despite the institutions fighting against it as we can see with the recent Roe v Wade incident or the oppression of trans rights by republicans. These social victories have been achieved DESPITE the US institutions and the military industrial complex NOT BECAUSE of them.