ukrainian cat ~

  • 4 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • you have to sign out of your account before resetting the phone in order to prevent tripping the protection.
    in case you trip it, you need to enter your credentials, your phone will reboot and do another wipe stage and then will jump right back to the OOBE, fully unlocked.
    iirc the account is not actually saved, just verified

  • yeah you need to mess around with snappiness to avoid that
    (so either increase it to make it unload stuff to hdd earlier, leaving more ram for critical stuff, or decrease it to like 5 in order to make it only use swap when absolutely needed) basically just mess around with it and see what value works best. i my case 10-15 works more or less okay-ish under full ram load

  • never had issues with gnome on my laptop with 4 gbs of ddr3, actually it’s pretty smooth even while running from an 8 year old 5200rpm hdd, even with all the animations and stuff enabled.
    freezes a bit while loading icons in the app menu for the first time after boot but it’s really usable once everything gets cached to ram.