A person can be killed instantly through many different means.

As we know it, to be killed painlessly, is to be killed instantly.

If you instantly destroy a person's entire brain then they died without pain.

Yet the most effective ways of instantly destroying someone's entire brain are considered inhumane.

If instantly killing someone by smashing their head with a massive rock, or shooting them in the brain stem is inhumane, then there is no humane way to kill someone at all.

  • jet@hackertalks.com
    1 year ago

    The key metric for ‘human’ actions is to avoid needless suffering. Livestock processed humanly is not panicked, not given a slow painful death, it should be quick, clean, and without pain.

    Living conditions are human if they don’t create needless suffering, i.e. animals living in a open farm are human, animals living their lives in changes is inhumane.

    I think the golden rule applies, treat others how you would like to be treated, is basically being humane.