It will be ironic if the people that imagine themselves to be self-made men who had no need of Big Gubbermint find themselves with no job because the people they voted for flooded the zone with cheap, malleable H1Bs.
They thought the likes of Steve Bannon were going to “flood the zone with shit” on behalf of the white man and his grievances, and even if he does, donvict’s broligarchy will be working to deprive America of some of the last remaining respectable jobs, or at least drastically reduce wages.
It will be ironic if the people that imagine themselves to be self-made men who had no need of Big Gubbermint find themselves with no job because the people they voted for flooded the zone with cheap, malleable H1Bs.
They thought the likes of Steve Bannon were going to “flood the zone with shit” on behalf of the white man and his grievances, and even if he does, donvict’s broligarchy will be working to deprive America of some of the last remaining respectable jobs, or at least drastically reduce wages.