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or maybe some other terminology would be better? lots of people get confused when you ask them to choose an instance, sometimes I think even the word "proxy", "host", or "hub" is simpler

the specific terms aren't my point, just a discussion to see if we can come up with a better name

    1 year ago

    I think "server" is good enough for the appropriate audiences. (Not everyone knows what a server is/does.) However since the accepted term is now "instance" I think the best idea is to mix them up so that audience will be able to pick up contextually that they have similar meanings.

    Adults continue to learn new words in their home language at a rate of about 1 word/week through life. [1]^ Many of these words are related to changes in technology. It is not too much to ask for a person to learn some new vocab when trying a new tech. But, having the initial ideas presented in a framiliar way that does not require use of a glossary is helpful.

    1. citation needed ↩︎