Hi friends ,
I’ve known my best friend since I was 6 years old. He’s always been very, very successful. I’ve always looked up to him, and still do.
A couple of years ago, I confronted him about Elon. I was very concerned. Elon was becoming something I could no longer support. My friend said that he would support Tesla through thick and thin, and here we are today.
He’s made a lot of money off of Elon and I’m happy for him, but I am very concerned that I should not be supporting someone that’s making a living off of someone that possibly is a Nazi. I’m considering ending my friendship. I want to do the right thing. I care about you. I care about us, and I’m very scared for our future.
I’m asking you for advice on whether or not I should give up on my best friend. We’ve been friends for almost 40 years, and I love him dearly. I’m crying right now making these statements. Should I still seek his support?
I am just so angry. My world is becoming so hostile, and I don’t know if I should separate myself from the negative influences around me. What do you guys think?
Where should I go?
To your friend and other mutual friends and talk about it.
Speak to someone who knows your context. Someone preferably with some experience to give some perspective. Try some introspection. Read things written by people wiser than Lemmings.
I personally love podcasts. I’ll always be able to recommend from there:
You Are Not So Smart: 306 - I Never Thought of it That Way - Mónica Guzmán (rebroadcast). Episode webpage and Media file
I wouldn’t drop someone with such a long history and lots of positive features so quickly from my life. My parents can be racist. My family can be judgemental. My friends can be intolerant. A single aspect doesn’t define the whole of someone. If you go having deep conversations with people you know, you’ll quickly find some aspect in everybody that you deeply dislike.
If a black man can make friends with the most racist KKK members, and actually get them to change their minds through conversation, then there’s hope for anyone.
Even if you want to break off the friendship, you don’t have to do it today. The thought of that is obviously causing a lot of pain. See how things play out. Giving things time is almost always a good idea.