Edit: grammar

  • R0cket_M00se@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Satan and Lucifer are only the same being in the minds of theology invented by men, in the Bible they're never mentioned as being one and the only time ha-satan is mentioned is in the book of Job, which plays out in the opening scene like a formal hearing where the accuser (the meaning of the word Satan) is investigating God to see if he's made a worthwhile creation or that his creation will worship him.

    He says that there isn't anyone on earth that would worship God unless they were actively protected/blessed by God, which is the accusation against God and his creation. God then retorts with a "witness" of sorts in the courtroom of divine beings, claiming Job will prove Satan incorrect.

    Then the events of Job getting his whole family killed and losing everything occur, etc.

    It's just funny how modern fundamentalist Christians see it as some kind of "bet" between God and the devil, when the text makes it seem like God is on trial and Satan is the prosecuting attorney assigned to the case. Never does it imply that he's Lucifer or the talking snake from genesis, and the Bible never conflates those two characters either. That's exclusively been done as part of the theology surrounding the Bible that has been taught for so long to people so young that they believe it's just part of the faith, and since most will never bother to read the whole Bible they'll just assume it's true and go on acting as if it's in the text instead of a very VERY loose conclusion drawn from the Bible.