Minnesota Governor and former VP candidate Tim Walz is launching a town hall tour in Republican-held districts where representatives have stopped holding public events.
Starting in Iowa and Nebraska, he plans stops in Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Ohio. Walz says he wants to amplify voter concerns about the Trump administration and Republican policies.
He denies using the tour to prepare for a national run, instead framing it as a way to keep Democrats engaged post-election.
His team has received hundreds of invitations from local leaders.
Not OP, but it appears Democrats are going to take the “high road” and campaign like it’s the 1950s. Again. In person, “addressing voter concerns,” focusing on policy.
This is how you become president: Lie, loudly, frequently, through your teeth on social media. And shill every influencer you can to amplify it, like a pyramid scheme. That’s how you reach people: through their phones, hacking the engagement system, shamelessly. And Dems are going to keep losing until they figure that out or their party is outlawed.
Yeah I don’t want a president like that, and I know that I’m not alone on the left when I say I wouldn’t vote for someone who behaved like that.
That’s the problem. Voters on one side actually care about things like honesty.
On aggregate? Not really. Not if they don’t know about the lies because of their media diet, and the blemishes are paved over.
Problem is this type of machine takes a long time to build up. Democrats don’t have that kind of influencer network working on autopilot 24/7.
Still… I wouldn’t be surprised if we see a “liberal Trump” leaning into the really distasteful parts of the party, and they become really successful.