Ok but this isn’t what I voted for last November and I’m quickly running out of reasons to vote ever again until these dumb fucks actually do something to oppose him. Might as well let the fascists have all the seats, the Dems only apparent purpose right now is to further legitimize trumps unconstitutionality.
Who said I have to explain it away? Nice strawman!
Ok but this isn’t what I voted for last November and I’m quickly running out of reasons to vote ever again until these dumb fucks actually do something to oppose him. Might as well let the fascists have all the seats, the Dems only apparent purpose right now is to further legitimize trumps unconstitutionality.
So you’re finally agreeing that the DNC is useless?
Thank you for demonstrating again that you really rely on strawmans! Ciao.
So when people voted for Schumer they should be happy he’s doing this?
Please answer how this is accepted by you.
And the next person comes in with strawmans! Lol. Ciao.
“I have claimed you’re a straw man, I win! Bye!”
They aren’t sending their best bootlickers.