A father whose unvaccinated six-year-old daughter became the first U.S. measles death in 10 years remains steadfast in his anti-vaccine beliefs.
The Mennonite man from Seminole, Texas told The Atlantic, “The vaccination has stuff we don’t trust,” maintaining that measles is normal despite its near-eradication through vaccination.
His stance echoes claims by HHS Secretary Robert Kennedy Jr., who initially downplayed the current North American outbreak before changing his position under scrutiny.
Despite his daughter’s death, the father stated, “Everybody has to die.”
What a fucking idiot. He should be locked up for murder.
everybody has to die >
But not that young and not from a preventable disease.
“Stuff in it that we don’t trust.”
Better to be dead than injected with chemicals that might make you autistic? Gay? A liberal? What could possibly be in the vaccines that would be worse than your child no longer existing?
As a parent, I am so angry. How can you look at your child and be more afraid of the lesser outcomes (not that they even exist, but still) and choose death? What a failure of the parents. And shame on every single person in the media that let this bullshit spiral out of control. That poor girl.
Magical Sky Daddy logic strikes again
Ignorance is not bliss. And neither is being a useless coward.
I bet he’d be more upset if his son died, not his daughter
Guy’s almost happy his kid died. That should be a crime. Even worse, he’s happy to have been at the helm of her death. Disgusting.
Just fuckin chuggin that koolaid
Translation: my beliefs mean more to me than my dead child ever could.
It’s a common theme among religious and conservatives. Love towards their children is always conditional.
He can contort himself with the knowledge that he actually pulled off the sacrifice of Abraham.
Sadly now that she’s dead he has no choice but to defend his stance, because admitting the truth would mean being left with the knowledge that he killed his own daughter.
This is a big and good point. So how do we prevent this unrecoverable situation?
Make sure he doesn’t procreate again. Lol
This shit ought to be considered negligence and reason to at least remove any other kids from the home. Poor six year old was failed by her family and the state.
I sort of think we should be really mean to these people.
“The vaccination has stuff we don’t trust”
I would bet money this man could not name a single ingredient in a measles vaccine.
Aluminum and 5G, probably.
This is why he doesn’t trust it I guess
What about Big Mac ingredients?
I wonder what the wife thinks.
Everybody has do die
Maybe we make one codfin size S and one XL in this case