Viewers are flocking to “independent” media that serves up a never-ending stream of anti-Trump content. But this stuff is intellectual poison and may even help the right.
Viewers are flocking to “independent” media that serves up a never-ending stream of anti-Trump content. But this stuff is intellectual poison and may even help the right.
Cohen actually said he’s going to open a 2nd channel with less click baity titles literally today. Idk if that will work, but the idea is if you see something on his regular channel and want to share it with your mouth breathing brain dead uncle, you can share from that channel instead.
Thanks, I guess I’ll give him another shot. I tend to like his content but his titles drive me nuts. Although his re-uploads of the exact same interviews in slightly different videos is also annoying, so hopefully he drops that crap too.
New channel:
Announcement video: