Israel's Defence Minister Yaov Gallant has ordered the complete closure of the Gaza Strip, including a ban on the entry of food, water, fuel or access to electricity as Israel intensifies its bombardment of the besieged Strip in the wake of the surprise attack by the Palestinian resistance. His comments have drawn criticism for advocating collective punishment of Gaza's entire civilian Palestinian population in breach of international law.
Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant ordered an increase in intensity of airstrikes in the Gaza Strip.
Gallant said that the war Israel is fighting against Hamas is “a war for our future.”
He added: “Exacting a heavy price from the enemy is a necessary condition for our existence in the region.”
Gallant makes the comments during a visit to the Israeli Air Force’s underground command centre at the Israeli occupation forces headquarters in Tel Aviv.
He’s dehumanizing the many over the acts of a few. He’s just trying to make it easier to justify the ramping up of their genocide.
THIS! When those in power start dehumanizing others, you know there's killing coming. Hotel Rwanda is a great history lesson on this.
It feels like a great time for everyone to take a massive chill pill.
He's also really blowing those "acts of a few" out of proportion, because even those acts are not a big concern, especially compared to the horrors Israel commits.
People in gaza elected Hamas themselves. You are either with or against terrorism. There's no in between.
First, only the sith (and the ignorant) deal in absolutes. Second, it's fair and right to feel for the people attacked by the Hamas, and fair and right to acknowledge the apartheid state of Israel that created them.
Literally created them:
Palestine doesn't have elections thanks to Hamas.
Living in a concentration camp for decades fucks with people and their moral compass.
Palestinians don't necessarily support Hamas but support the greater cause of Palestinian sovereignty and human rights. Maybe they want to live like Human Beings instead of being treated like subhumans.
And to add to it, Israel regularly does unimaginable vile things to Palestinians. It will only make Palestinians resent Israel more and more.
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable."
This is the ugly side of that. Hamas are a vile organisation full of hateful antisemites. They're also the inevitable result of every decision Isreal has made in Palestine. When people are being violently oppressed every day of their lives, that fosters hatred. When people have nothing left to lose, that fosters violence. When people have been abused for generations, they inevitably want revenge.
It's a disgusting double standard to forgive Israel's crimes, but demand that the Palestinians be perfect little angels who never feel any resentment or anger in their hearts.
In the end, it's not about who has done right or wrong, it's about who holds the power, and that has always been Isreal. So it is Isreal who bears the moral responsibility to end this conflict peacefully (and the western world supporting Isreal bears an equal responsibility to use our power to make that peace the most appealing option).
What is a peaceful solution to that?
That's not a question that I'm qualified to answer. But there are very smart people who can, if only they were allowed to bend themselves to the work of solving this problem. It would be very difficult, it would take a lot of hard work and the solution wouldn't perfectly satisfy everyone, but it could be done. And for that to happen the people with power have to want to put in that hard work and set those very smart people loose on the problem.
Even if the only solutions are imperfect, they will still be better than what is happening there right now. There is no possible universe where this is the least bad answer possible.
That election was 17 years ago. Most people living in Gaza right now weren't old enough back then to be allowed to vote.
I mean Hamas was the best option available. It just so happens to be the only group left fighting and resisting. Israel admitted that it did this on purpose; fought off all the other progressive groups but propped up Hamas.
You're an idiot.
Which cultural group do you want to be lumped into for genocide? I guarantee there's one that wants your race, whatever it is, exterminated. Hopefully for your sake they're not in power at the moment.
Did Hamas win 100% of the vote? No. But you're ok with the destruction of an entire culture because of frustrating choices made by some people made in the context of generations of oppression? Sounds like racism to me.
Israel: we literally don't think people in Gaza are human
Westerners: I can't tell the difference between the two sides!
"Hah! Nice argument~ but you failed to consider that
[reverb bass boosted] Itttssss cooommpliicccaaattteeeeeddddd"
It's like the people responsible for terror on innocent people are animals, now. But how long were they treated like animals before they ever acted like them?
Yea, complicated it is.
It's not complicated. Stop doing ethnic cleansing on Palestinians. Up until that point, they deserve everything that happens to them.
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And the western leader support this war crime instead of stopping it.
Seeing as Americans Canadians and many other nationalities were killed in the attack by hamas. That was a foregone conclusion. It would have been unusual if these countries don't respond to support those attacked.
I cannot support hamas's attack. I can absolutely blame Israel for creating the conditions that brought it about. When the average age of someone in Gaza is 19. And there wasn't some sort of population boom 19 years ago. Something is seriously fucked up.
Two wrongs don't make a right. And I wish the United States was largely going to stay out of the cluster fuck Israel has created. But with Americans dead. As I said that was not going to happen.
Strange, terrorist organization don't seem to pop up in countries with better human rights.
It's a meaningless label. Who decided they were terrorists? You?
If killing civilians is the requirement to be terrorists, every single military on Earth is a terrorist organization. That's what war IS.
Aye I was making my comment in part to humanize the people we call terrorists.
As soon as I've seen your instance - your comment makes sense. Thanks for your opinion I guess lol.
Out of curiosity, what results do you get when you search "US White supremacist militia"?
Those seem like terrorist organizations to me, and I think the U$ has better "human rights" than Gaza.
The US has the largest system of prison slavery on earth, highly militarized police who kill with impunity, and world historical levels of wealth inequality, it's definitely not a good place for human rights.
Sure, but I'm trying to carry the conversation on terms they'll understand.
Better than gaza maybe, but I seriously hope that the US isn't your best example for a country with good human rights.
Nah, I just thought it'd work as an example with them.
You have a point. Though the US white supremesists haven't launched such organized and open assaults. So maybe it just scales with human rights abuses.
The Oklahoma City bombing was a white supremacist action, I believe.
That's a mid counter argument imo.
The USA has some of the worst human rights on earth, as evidenced by their massive prison population.
They don't need to because cops can just flat out murder people off the streets. And brownshirts are a thing too they show up at protests to harass the strikers. Also they're not under an active genocide (as much as they try to feign that they are) so there isn't a lot of violence gas to go ham with.
You have a point. Though the US white supremesists haven't launched such organized and open assaults. So maybe it just scales with human rights abuses.
US white supremacists genocided countless Indian tribes. They also rounded them up in reservations and then enforced policies designed to kill them. Look up the Trail of Tears sometime.
There's also the terror campaigns waged by the various Ku Klux Klans and other organizations against African-Americans.
If you want something more recent there's also the Tulsa race massacre. There's also the many, many deputy gangs in the US. Those launch organized and open assaults against other Americans all the time but they're also very distributed so we don't have one big incident to point to.
They can pop up anywhere. Terrorism occurs when extremists of any type had enough of whatever they are upset about and it pushes them over the edge. Whether it is reasonable or not. Regular people can also be pushed to do terrible things with just the right amount of propaganda and other emotional manipulation. Some people just enjoy it.
Believing it cannot happen to you too with enough pressure and lies is wrong.
You have a good point I was a bit too black and white with my comment. There definitely seems to be a correlation between size and violence of terrorist groups, and the human rights of the area they riside in.
Also totally agree that it can happen to me. Gotta acknowledge that you don't really know anything and you are pretty much always just taking someone's word for things. I believe the Earth is round, but I'm just taking people's word for it.
Reminder that everyone in this conflict besides Civilians are bad people. Hamas is a terrorist organization. The Israeli government support the genocide of the Palestinian people. Everyone else are just planning to profit from this.
Every group that fights an occupying force gets labeled a terrorist organization.
When Argentina occupied the Falkland Islands, the UK military who fought them weren't described as a terrorist organisation. Not by anyone with an ounce of sense at least, and certainly not by the islanders who's land and homes had been occupied.
Every indigenous group that fights an occupying force gets labeled a terrorist organization.
Well done, that's less false than your initial comment.
Thanks for testing my thesis.

Hmm, I wonder what the difference might be…

How is the UK not the occupying force there? The Falkland Islands are nowhere fucking near us.
The people fighting against a genocidal state are 'bad people'? 'Terrorists', even?
What exactly is wrong about fighting back against one's own genocide? Should they be peacefully protesting it instead?
Oh stop it! There's a literal genocide going on and you feel the need to start handing out these "both sides bad!" "Reminders".
Israel: we literally don't consider the people of Gaza to be humans
You: sheesh, I really I can't tell the difference between these two!
*Israel Minister.
And Hamas also thinks jews are no humans, so yes, there is no difference.
Israel Minister
So… A representative of the Israeli state? The state founded on Zionism? That's not a correction. That is Israel.
Hamas also thinks jews are no humans
Source? Hamas has a history with anti Semitic conspiracy theories and generalizations, but not to the extent of saying Jews aren't human.
Not to mention, even said anti semitism was dropped long ago, when Hamas underwent a radical shift in membership when Israel killed off other PLO groups.
They literally want to kill all Jews and convert the whole world to Islam. Do you think that's better than calling someone an animal?
"I think you're absolutely a civilized and intelligent human being, and I want to see your intelligent brains on the ground so I can convert them to Islam".
They literally want to kill all Jews
Source? Highly doubt
and convert the whole world to Islam
Not really concerned with with if they want people convert to Islam. Christians want to convert the whole world to Christianity too. Not concerning. not even close to Israel.
There is literally no difference between oppressor and oppressed, you imbecile you, absolute moron.
Reminder that everyone in this conflict besides Civilians are bad people.
Shut the fuck up. Every Israeli "civilian" is complicit in the torture of Palestinians, except for children. Not to mention they're all potential combatants anyway.
The rebels in star wars are terrorists because they killed civilians living in the death star. They're just as bad as the empire.
What definition of "terrorist organization" are we using here?
Any of the popular definitions. If they're simply organizations against the government, they're terrorists as Israel basically claims Palestinian land is their own. If they're organizations that use terror, brutality, and fear against citizens to achieve political ends, they're definitely terrorists, and so are the IDF.
Every single liberation group was considered a terrorist organization. Fuck, even Antifa gets called that and they're not even an organization.
I've always wanted to find sources of the monarchy calling American revolutionaries terrorists. Maybe that language wasn't prevalent then.
What do you think about hamas killing innocent people, children?
Which children? Did Hamas target children like Israel does, or were they unfortunately caught in cross fire while they were fighting against their genociders?
They targeted any Israeli civilians, not just settlers, just anyone going door to door killing families.
Please show me evidence where Hamas targeted civilians minding their own business, and weren't just caught in crossfire. I doubt it.
The massacre at a music festival early on would suggest Hamas isn't just a group of freedom fighters.
Hamas did not massacre a music festival or even target it. The idiots held a dance rave at the border of a concentration camp and a war zone, and they ended up caught in cross fire. Grab any half sane person on the street and they'll tell you this is a bad idea.
Hamas believe that Jews are literally the enemies of Allah and that it is a holy war to kill them.
Incorrect. Hamas, in accordance with the Quran, believes it is possible for Muslims, Jews, and Christians to live in harmony. Furthermore, in their updated charter they explicitly reject targeting Jews for simply being Jewish:
Hamas affirms that its conflict is with the Zionist project not with the Jews because of their religion. Hamas does not wage a struggle against the Jews because they are Jewish but wages a struggle against the Zionists who occupy Palestine. Yet, it is the Zionists who constantly identify Judaism and the Jews with their own colonial project and illegal entity.
Hamas rejects the persecution of any human being or the undermining of his or her rights on nationalist, religious or sectarian grounds. Hamas is of the view that the Jewish problem, anti-Semitism and the persecution of the Jews are phenomena fundamentally linked to European history and not to the history of the Arabs and the Muslims or to their heritage.
I'd be a little mad at them too if I were in their situation.
That's literally how the Nazis thought about Jews. "There are too many in our country, they are taking away our jobs an money".
How's that the same?? Just reread them both, slowly.
God I hate feddit de so fucking much.
I do agree that conservative Islam is partially to blame for the violence and terror but so is conservative Judaism. The conservative jews think it's their God given right to take the homes of the Palestinians and rule over them. Religion is fueling the fire on both sides.
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Aren't the governments made of and supported by civilians?
There are non-combatants in this conflict that are bad people. They cheer on the extermination of others. Sometimes that's Hamas or the PLO (they run a fund that gives stipends to families of terrorists). Other times it's certain Israeli Jews who encourage conflict while not risking their own necks because they can claim a religious exemption from military service. They seek an Israel without Palestinian territories, or for that matter Palestinians at all (aka ethnic cleansing).
I'm not saying that non-combatants should be targeted. At the same time, I am saying that just being a civilian does not mean someone lacks blame.
In the Western country that I'm in the propaganda has been flying thick and fast all day today on every single media outlet there is about this. You can tell they're trying to justify a lot of bad things that are about to happen and have already begun.
This shitbag is a right wing fascist who would make Hitler blush with pride.
And you're a fuckface for dehumanizing people.
Antiwar website has a biased antiwar stance.
“We have been warning time and time again… everything is going to erupt and everybody is going to pay a price – mainly innocent civilians on both sides. And unfortunately, that is exactly what happened,” he added.
Gaza has also been under an Israeli-imposed land, sea, and air blockade since 2007, and Israel frequently bombs the besieged enclave. The last major bombing campaign took place in 2021, when over 250 Palestinians were killed.
“The Israeli government, which is a fascist government, supports, encourages, and leads pogroms against the Palestinians. There is an ethnic cleansing going on. It was obvious the writing was on the wall, written in the blood of the Palestinians – and unfortunately now Israelis as well,” Cassif said.
Israeli Lawmaker Says ‘Pogroms’ Against Palestinians Provoked Hamas Assault
Antiwar website has a biased antiwar stance.
what the hell are you going on about, everyone with a soul is anti-war
Well, many are not antiwar if you look at the bloods and crips, only a few are antiwar.
That is why I made sure to post that is antiwar, I can't use them as a news source on lemmy due to "left" bias stance.
someone else take a gander at this because this is confusing the hell outta me
Wtf does the bloods and crips have to do with this lmao… are you OK?
And how does not being pro-war make you biased towards the left? That’s the dumbest take I’ve ever seen. Is the right inherently pro-war according to you?
They are using Jimmy dore as their user so probably got many issues.
And the right usually is very pro war
So two different Israeli politicians are saying two different things. Great. Which one is their Minister of Defence?