Examples: diablo 4 on blizzard client will let you play it before the full game is installed. The ps5 also let’s you do this when installing a new game. But I’ve never seen this option on steam games.

  • Tarquinn2049@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I guess we have experienced it in different games, the only ones I have experienced it with have been either phone games that do it your way because of the 100 mb limit Google puts on free apk downloads or computer games that do it my way because of 4k texture file sizes and texture streaming systems. I hadn't seen it in a computer game before texture streaming.

    I have only seen a "play as you finish downloading" in 4 computer games and in those 4 cases it was all due to texture streaming. I had never experienced it for any other reason on a computer game. And of course a game with texture streaming is going to have larger texture files, otherwise they wouldn't have felt the need to stream them. It's the whole point of that system. So textures can be much larger without impacting performance.