In meetings in Israel, U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin conveyed to Israeli leaders that it’s important to observe international rules of warfare.

As Israel girds for a fearsome ground assault into Gaza, senior Biden administration officials are warning their Israeli counterparts to show restraint and avoid mass civilian casualties and a humanitarian disaster that could turn world opinion against the Jewish state, according to two current and one former U.S. official.

    1 year ago

    You entered into this discussion because I said I had an ethical problem with voting for Biden when he continues to justify and tacitly support Israeli war crimes and their continued ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people. Let's not forget that.

    Your stupid fucking bullshit take was that I'm the asshole because I even suggested that I was uncomfortable voting for him after that, and was therefore guilty by association in the hypothetical event Donald Trump gets reelected.

    I then continued to point out that my vote has no legitimate bearing on the electoral process due to the fact that we don't elect candidates based on the popular vote, and my state is already a Democrat stronghold. You want to make me guilty by association to justify your own guilt for supporting imperialist, genocidal, zionist foreign policy with your hypothetical vote I guess. You voted for it, so by your logic that makes you equally responsible for the evil & death carried out in your name via the democratic process that you want to jerk yourself off for supporting.

    So, don't be surprised when someone holds you responsible for being an enabler of an ongoing genocide, and an establishment sycophant I guess.

    I prefer to be on the side of not supporting psychopathic behavior that is being carried out in the name of religion regardless what fucking flag their country flies, or how much they want to permanently paint themselves out to be the victim. That's something you and Israel have in common actually. You both think you're the victim when really you're the one defending the process of further victimization.

      1 year ago

      First of all, Biden doesn't support genocide or ethnic cleansing, "tacitly" or otherwise.

      Second, if you are against genocide or ethnic cleansing, then you could prove it by helping to elect the candidate who is less likely to pursue it. In the next election, that candidate will almost certainly be Biden. If you don't vote, then nobody should believe you are actually willing to do the bare minimum to stop it.

      Finally, nobody cares where you live. If you supported Trump, you would most certainly be held accountable even if you lived in California. Same is true if you declined to oppose Trump.

        1 year ago

        First of all, Biden doesn't support genocide or ethnic cleansing, "tacitly" or otherwise.

        He has proven otherwise over the last week by continuing to overtly support Israel's use of asymmetrical warfare in order to wipe out Palestinian civilians in a slow motion genocide. Thus, my frustration and ultimate choice not to vote for him again. He could have made the decision to call for peace instead of scoring political points at the expense of civilian lives.

        Second, if you are against genocide or ethnic cleansing, then you could prove it by helping to elect the candidate who is less likely to pursue it.

        Biden is currently continuing to support the neo-conservative, zionist, apartheid state of Israel in their ongoing genocide against Palestinian civilians. No matter what candidate you vote for you will likely be providing material support to that reality given the current plausible options. So, I am making the decision not to support any candidate who supports that foreign policy objective because unlike you I'm not a fucking hypocrite.

        If you supported Trump, you would be held accountable even if you lived in California. Same is true if you declined to oppose Trump.

        We've been over this. The only people who are responsible for Donald Trump are the people in this country who voted for him willingly. Get that through your fucking head.

          1 year ago

          wipe out Palestinian civilians

          No, he hasn't supported Israeli action against civilians. Your suggestion otherwise proves that you aren't even bothering to read Biden's statements on the matter.

          In the linked article, he warned Israel to obey international law when retaliating against Hamas.

          Today, he warned Israel not to occupy Gaza, adding:

          "Hamas and the extreme elements of Hamas don’t represent all the Palestinian people … There needs to be a Palestinian Authority. There needs to be a path to a Palestinian state."

          Meanwhile, the State Department is working to reopen humanitarian aid corridors to Gaza:

          We’ve been over this.

          We've been over this, but you keep getting it wrong. The people responsible for Trump include those who won't lift a finger to stop him.

          Doing nothing in the face of evil does not free you from responsibility for evil. Ask any German.