For me it’s detailed describtions about people’s dreams.

Not only doesn’t your story make any sense, but you’re also telling me about something that didn’t even happen. It’s kind of like telling about an event, and then ending the story by saying you just made it all up, except with dreams you begin by telling it’s all made up. I’m already not interested before you even started.

    10 months ago

    Weed, alcohol, other drugs and Bar stories. I do not partake, but due to it being common amung my peers it is hard to avoid. To them that thing they experienced at that one bar 4 weeks ago is the funniest thing, but I cannot relate at all and its kinda frustrating because I do not intend to partake in such activities just to keep up socially. Same with smoke breaks.

      10 months ago

      That was me in highschool. Then I got into college and the expected happened…

      I met some new people and none of the group smoked or did drugs!

      (We did drink more than our shares, but that was fine with me.)

      Let’s hope you find your group!

      10 months ago

      I seem to get the version on how wasted they got and sick they were afterwards. It’s like they unlock new achievement badges each weekend by how much they throw up the next day.

      I’m left thinking you’re getting into your late 30s or 40s now. This isn’t your teens and early 20s anymore.

      I’ve enjoyed when seeing some of these hard partiers mature and nope out now after a few years. But honestly being a alcoholic seems to the baseline starting place for many when it comes to socializing.

      I know I’m a drag for them when I’m at a nice hotel and I’m not joining in with a cooler bag full of beers or hard stuff to get the party started before going to dinner. The gf is younger and a little frustrated I’m just not interested in that anymore or was I ever really.

      She’s coming to terms with her inability to not be sick after a night of drinking as she gets older now too. Being health conscious she’s coming to the realization that alcohol consumption is perhaps not the best thing for her long term either based on the health of her long term friends still trying to keep up with being wasted every weekend.