I can’t really think of a reason for that as Reddit is hated somewhat equally by “both” sides of the spectrum. It’s just something I find interesting.

    • Aceticon@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      You need to be a leftie-in-name-only tribalist to confuse equal-opportunity skepticism with being on “the other side” - the conservatives, those people well known for questioning the way things are…

      Then again, anybody who has reduced the entirety of political choices in society to a mere two sides as you hinted you have in your post, really hasn’t though it through (there being billions of humans there is an almost infinite number of choices) and instead has firmly engaged with the whole thing in an us-vs-them tribalism devoid of logic.

      In such a simplistic take on politics those questioning the beliefs you hold (in very much the same way as religious people hold theirs) couldn’t possibly be questioning all ideas with Logic and Analytics to try and find the best way to increase the greatest good for the greatest number, but instead most “be from the other side”.