But how would I, an external instance, know your true reputation? Would I need to ask your home instance and just trust that? So when I ask “what level of trust should I put in this user”, a malicious instance could just say “a million reputation points” and I just need to trust that? I don’t see how this is going to work.
Yeah that’s fair, but without some form of centralization I don’t see how you establish trust. Unless you have every instance scan every users history but that would be pretty inefficient
But how would I, an external instance, know your true reputation? Would I need to ask your home instance and just trust that? So when I ask “what level of trust should I put in this user”, a malicious instance could just say “a million reputation points” and I just need to trust that? I don’t see how this is going to work.
Yeah that’s fair, but without some form of centralization I don’t see how you establish trust. Unless you have every instance scan every users history but that would be pretty inefficient