• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2023


  • Not a full on extinction event, but the late bronze age collapse has always fascinated me. So much do that it led me to pursue archaeology in college.

    So many theories, everyone has their favourite, but yeah, what ultimately caused every near eastern civilisation as well as the Mycenaean Greeks to just all collapse and disappear over a relatively short 200 years or so (archaeologically speaking a blink-of-an-eye)

  • Adderbox76@lemmy.catome_irl@lemmy.worldme_irl
    9 days ago

    Since this is giving me Don Beveridge vibes (R.I.P), I remember when RedLetterMedia’s Best of the Worst Black Spine edition had his customization seminar on their first episode.

    They were laughing and thinking he was some kind of lunatic conman for all of the supposedly nonsense things he was spouting about pushing whopper buttons and deficiencies of PK and a bunch of other stuff, and I’m just sitting back thinking “nope…I understand every word he’s saying.” Because not only do I have to live currently in an environment where my upper managers emails are filled with such nonsense, but my first job was AT Burger King when I was 16 in 1992 and guess what…


    It was used by management to tell the staff when to keep more burgers in the warming tray and when to lower the supply based on customer traffic. They implemented it because…“75% of the time the Whopper was being served cold”

    “Push the Whopper Button” is shorthand for being efficient with when and where you’re spending your resources so that your not wasting them where you don’t have to and not having them available when you do.

  • Adderbox76@lemmy.catome_irl@lemmy.worldme_irl
    9 days ago

    Depending on the context of the business, it could also mean exploring new product categories, like a bicycle maker deciding to get into the skateboard market because it happens to be popular. Or in the context of an online news website, a “vertical” is whether you are writing about tech, or health, or pop culture, etc…

    When I wrote for MUO (very briefly) I was assigned to the creative software “vertical”; writing articles about video editing software, updates to different paint/art programs, etc…

  • Standard 3D shooter/War games like your Call of Duties, Battlefields, etc… It’s not that I’m a prude per se, I’ll happily play a single player campaign similar settings if they respect the material. Though I prefer science fiction where what I’m killing is aliens, or Fallout raiders and Super Mutants, or Zombies, etc…

    But (and this is MY OPINION only…I don’t judge anyone who feels differently) there’s something creepy and wrong about using very realistic modern-day set human-to-human war shooters when the end result is to tea-bag your friend when you kill him and have 13 year old kids calling out slurs in open chat. It just denigrates and cheapens a subject matter that I think should be treated with a lot more solemnity and respect.

  • Every single one of us, as kids, learned the concept of “garbage in, garbage out”; most likely in terms of diet and food intake.

    And yet every AI cultist makes the shocked pikachu face when they figure out that trying to improve your LLM by feeding it on data generated by literally the inferior LLM you’re trying to improve, is an exercise in diminishing returns and generational degradation in quality.

    Why has the world gotten both “more intelligent” and yet fundamentally more stupid at the same time? Serious question.

  • I’m a guy and I’m in a very customer facing line of work and I don’t have that issue at all.

    As others have said, maybe it’s an age thing (I’m middle aged) or maybe it’s a tone thing. If I’m complimenting them, it’s usually on something specific; “Oh hey, those are really cool glasses” or “I love what you’ve done with your hair.”, etc…

    It’s never “You’ve got pretty hair, lady.” or “Gosh yer’ beautiful.”

    The line between platonic comment and creepy sex weirdo (in my mind) is if you’re complimenting them on something they actively did that you think is cool (hairstyle, choice of glasses, etc…) it’s fine. Complimenting them on features that they have no control over, like saying “Hey, I just wanted to, completely randomly tell you how attractive you are” is creepy.