Well they already chose not to honor the 14th amendment by allowing Trump to run for and hold office ….pretty sure that means the constitution doesn’t mean crap to the current SCOTSUS
Why would it get taken down? Am I violating something? I read rules ummm yeah not sure if this is allowed
Martial Law? Yeah see you all in the RFK “organic farming” camps.
Bernie is he’s doing a coast to coast tour right now. He’s getting huge crowds
Sure as opposed to the totally stable and sane politics of today🙄. The establishment neoliberals aren’t popular . It’s just a fact
I don’t think it was the mods I think it was Reddit
America be like…
I mean your logic is sound. The second amendment is literally a check against tyranny. Should be counted in the checks and balances.
DNCs fault for blocking Bernie
Black Rock, Vanguard and State Street own 74% of the US Economy. Not a crazy conspiracy an easily verifiable fact https://money.usnews.com/investing/articles/these-3-fund-families-control-74-of-the-market
I named multiple sources for our troubles. The biggest firms extracting wealth seemed like good easily verifiable examples. Agree to disagree with your opinion
We Gotta pay for those trillions in tax rebates for billionaires and corporations. How else are they going to buy what’s left of America after they purposely crash the economy. Americans will be tapped out at that point but the working class in Greenland and Canada still has assets so we’ll invade them so the oligarchs can steal their working classes wealth too.
I got shadow banned for making a popular post about dyi Luigi prayer candles on witches vs patriarchy. No warning no notification just a site wide permanent shadow ban on an old account with high karma. I feel like this is a better community though so win win I guess. Funny because I feel like they’re banning most real people and just leaving the bots lol. Tons of people post on shadow banned everyday this can’t be a healthy business model.
Good. Canada pulled it off the shelves. Jack Daniels also funded the anti-suffrage movement in the 1900s they have a long history of being on the bigot side of history.
The real villains are vanguard, black rock and the politicians that keep selling out the people. Things are about to get much worse with the cutting an privitazation ( this means it will be moved to a corrupt dysfunctional shareholder profit model) for medicade, Medicare, veterans healthcare and social security. The social contract is broken and the wealthy have waged war on the people. I was hoping that those doing this would have a wake up moment due to Luigi and ease up but instead the suppression has only increased. I don’t know how to fix this but the attack on the working class is “legal” and any resistance or hope is “illegal” or prohibitively expensive and easily stamped out. I get why people don’t want to bring children into the meat grinder that America has become.
Thoughts and prayers
I was shadow banned from Reddit for making a not violent Luigi post on 12/23/24. My account was older and had high karma. I am grateful to have found this community. The state of human rights in the United States is bleak. I watched my mom die from early onset Alzheimer’s in our broken system and I don’t even have words for the cruelty in our system. How can corporations be “people” if there’s no way to hold them accountable for mass murder? Our system is broken and corrupt from top to bottom and somehow it’s about to get much worse. Luigi gave those of us who are broken and tired a fleeting moment of hope.
Should I take it down?