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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023

  • I’m genuinely surprised there hasn’t been any significant effort made to make it more readable.

    Quite the opposite. They’ve tried to make it better, and in turn, they’ve made it worse.

    They used to have a pretty straightforward Linux file structure, and you were expected to put things in the external Pictures folder. And downloads went to the external Downloads folder. Back then, internal storage was small and SDs were large, so apps couldn’t really afford to store these things locally and the SD structure was well enough defined that it was pretty clear where pictures would go.

    Now, Google has pushed against SD cards. They also started requiring more permissions for external storage. They’ve added some “documents” APIs that were supposed to make it easier to tag/find files, but it’s a tangled mess and most apps don’t touch it. And they’ve rewritten their storage model multiple times at this point. If you’re writing a new app, it’s unclear which model to even follow anymore because Google has created a giant cluster fuck of options and paradigms.

    Google is actively making this problem worse and worse. I wish they had never tried to “fix” this in the first place.

  • As someone pursuing a career in health care I became more and more concerned because some store patient files and notes in unsecured text files/apps like notion, google docs and even excel.

    This is just the beginning - the medical space is notoriously awful and also a place where you probably really care about privacy. But using secure alternatives is too annoying for most medical staff and they just see it as ankther hurdle. Actually getting people to use secure software that’s not the software they’re already used to is way harder than it should be.

    People just don’t understand or don’t care. Convenience is way more important to people than anything else.

  • IMO the thing is that people don’t care about their privacy. Sure, some people around here do, but your average person owns an Alexa, has a FB/Instagram account and constantly posts their location, uses the same password on many sites, uses TikTok, doesn’t block cookies, etc etc etc.

    Most people don’t actually care. Some claim they do, but then can’t even be bothered to stop using Instagram etc because of the “inconvenience”… So do they really care?

    Some companies (Apple, etc) push their products under a narrative around safety and security, and people will repeat that point as a way to justify a decision they already made, but if they actually cared, they would be doing other things too. But they don’t.

    The number of us who do actually care about privacy and security is actually very small.

  • Aircon plus solar panels for the win? Other than the initial manufacturing cost, it’s a fairly good solution.

    Can’t tell if you’re thinking this is anything more than an emergency stopgap for people that can’t bear living in their home, but… All A/C does is spend energy to move the heat back outside, and also produce some more heat on the side. So it isn’t a sustainable solution or fix, even if your energy generation is somehow perfect.

    And swamp boxes are basically just a fan with extra steps that puts a miniscule amount of heat into the water. They feel a tiny bit better, but they’re not really fixing anything either. That warm water still needs to go somewhere etc.

  • with newer, faster, better tech being available year after year

    Let’s be real here - this hasn’t been the case for smartphones like 5 years at this point. Barely anything has changed in that time frame besides like a “telephoto” lens and foldables.

    People are just sold on the idea that things are changing.

  • Metallibus@lemmy.worldtoTechnology@lemmy.world*Permanently Deleted*
    1 year ago

    Your battery doesn’t drop from 80 to zero instantly. If you’re going to be “playing a game” or “watching a video” for over an hour and your battery is already at like 40 percent, you can just swap it before you start. If you’re burning through a full battery and can’t be interrupted…

    The reboot takes like 20. Swapping the battery with a full door does literally take 15. So yeah, maybe like 45 seconds? Is that really such an inconvenience?

    And sure, a spare battery is a box. But a charging brick is a bigger box. And it needs a cable.

  • I disagree with most of the other bits too. They seem to be tendencies of cats people don’t take the proper care of.

    I’ve owned two cats for over ten years. They’ve destroyed a couple things. My parents have had 5 cats for about ten years and they’ve barely had anything destroyed. My neighbor who has had a dog for about a year and a half has had multiple pieces of furniture ripped, and many things around her house ruined/destroyed.

    Cats are solitary predators and not pack animals, so they are motivated more by their own needs and desires, but saying “don’t care about you whatsoever” just sounds like someone who’s never had a real relationship with a cat or doesn’t understand the way they exhibit their care.

    I’ve trained like 5 different cats to fetch, multiple cats not to go in certain areas of the house, not to chew certain things, etc. Most people try to train cats like they would train a dog - through showing disapproval towards behavior etc, which, as mentioned above, is just not what motivates a cat.