• 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • Plastic does deteriorat or disintegrat, but it only does so into smaller and smaller pieces of its self.

    Things like a plastic bottle will break into smaller parts of the bottle and linger around for hundreds or thousands of years but the bottle “shape” will not be recognised in this sense.

    Unfortunately plastics like organic materials don’t breakdown and get absorbed the same way back into nature. Our streets would look a lot cleaner IMO if all our litter broke down quicker. Ie less plastic rappers flying around and chip bags.

    Fun fact, when we freeze a bottle of water it too slowly deteriorates and disintegrates. That plastic is then transferred into the water contained in the bottle. Doing this multiple times can show the wear and tear overtime.

    Even at microscopic levels things like toothbrushes brissle do show signs of wear and tear, as all products do.

    My example of toothbrushes is more on how interwoven our plastic dependency is in our day to day lives. We may be ingesting plastics without even realistically knowing where from.

    For example in our foods. https://edition.cnn.com/2024/04/22/health/plastics-food-wellness-scn/index.html#:~:text=Apples and carrots were the,also the least contaminated vegetable.

    “People don’t think of plastics as shedding but they do,”

    “In almost the same way we’re constantly shedding skin cells, plastics are constantly shedding little bits that break off, such as when you open that plastic container for your store-bought salad or a cheese that’s wrapped in plastic.”

  • How is it that “floating stops” designed like the ones shown below (which are great IMO) are considered to be different?

    1000010342 1000010352 1000010350

    The only difference I see is instead of crossing a highspeed car lane, one would cross a slow speed cycling lane designed with the intent to protect individuals on bicycles.


    But somehow instead something like this is considered “safer” where transits riders step out into a cycle lane to board a bus or tram.


    Or something like such where pedestrians step out onto a roadway.
