And if you make her go outside, that’s the death sentence for all three generations in your family
And if you make her go outside, that’s the death sentence for all three generations in your family
What is this shit meme format doing in 196
People with metabolic disorders here:
That’s the neat part, you don’t.
No offense, but your comments come off as kind of edgy and from someone who sounds like the most exotic thing they’ve eaten is pineapple on pizza.
Not to be a dick or anything, but I found it funny that you chose to mention him mentioning the political career and his opinion of him. Nice touch, but very much irrelevant. Keep up the good work!
I think these kinds of comments are harmful to the discourse because there a good deal of nuance missing.
For one, it’s pretty reductive to call them ‘Japanese who’ve done bad things’ when who you’re talking about is dead or on their death beds. That’s not who the monument is for or about.
Historical monuments aren’t for attributing the sins of grandparents to their grandchildren. It’s about humanzing the victims and teaching people of this generation what was allowed to happen in the past. It’s about teaching them the dangers of complacency and the complicit nature of being a bystander.
If it’s worth anything, 4,300 people signed a petition against the removal and many protested in person.
Yes, Japanese people as a whole are severely lacking when it comes to acknowledging the atrocities committed by their country. No, Japanese people today are not personally responsible for them. The better we are at separating acknowledgement from responsibility, the easier time we will have convincing people to remember them.
Fucked up economy that we live in when we can’t buy a home without parent’s help anymore.
Harfam is what a migraine feels like
True. It could be far better, but one thing China did vastly improve on since the 1950s is bringing women into the workforce and providing them with a far greater degree of autonomy and access to real education than women previously experienced.
This might not sound like much since this has happened to varying degrees in many countries, but it’s understated how socially regressive Chinese views on women historically were (and still are). Not saying things are good now, because China is still rife with gender inequality issues. Just pointing out how disgusting and ingrained Confucian views on womanhood are and how much of a stain it has left on Chinese society.
Academic performance is dictated by access to good educators which has always been dictated by wealth.
The facade of merit has always been used to justify casting away ‘lazy people who don’t study enough’ when the reality is that not everyone can afford private tutors, exotic sports, cram school, travel experience, and every other paid tactic to overstuff kid’s resumes.
True, but I do like the discussions kids have about the lore and how they interpret it, almost like abstract art in a way.
Is it though? I feel like us millennials aren’t any better for watching shit like Charlie the unicorn, annoying orange, salad fingers, jackass, and other disturbing or brainless content.
Not saying skibidi toilet is a great show for kids, just saying that we weren’t any better and I feel like we are encroaching on boomerism when we gatekeep kids these days for watching almost the same trash we did as kids.
I was only asking you to be mindful about high cost of living in some cities and how high spending habits aren’t always a product of moral failure. Not sure how that is constituted as looking to have an argument, but you do you.
This greentext is probably fake, but as someone dealing with memory loss and brain fog, I feel that I need to speak up about the last line.
It’s jarring to see people comment on how saying ‘forgot two weeks later’ makes everything a lie. ‘Forget’ and ‘permanently forget’ are two different things. With memory loss, some memories can feel like a book that randomly checks out and checks into the library.
I’m not sure how I became the one making assumptions about OP’s lifestyle. I was asking you not to make assumptions because you said that spending $200 on groceries was a choice to overspend, and now you’re saying it’s due to ignorance. Even if it can be improved upon, I don’t think either is necessary true and really depends on OP’s living situation.
I don’t think it’s as simple as coming down to choice. Planning, shopping, cooking, and cleaning takes a non-trivial amount of time and effort that not every person can afford even if they can afford ingredients. It’s not uncommon for people in the city to come home exhausted after 70 hours work week and hour long commutes.
Sometimes it’s not physically or mentally possible to sustain the kind of min-maxing lifestyle of cooking under a tight budget. Cooking is hard, cooking affordably is even harder. Sometimes, having a steak for dinner is one of the few things that keeps people happy enough to not kill themselves in an exploitative work culture while being crushed by unaffordable housing.
I don’t think OP is necessary overspending because it really depends on where they live, how many hours they work, what their living situation is like, how much of their own mental load they carry.
I’ve lived on a tight budget before. For a time I made do with $30 a week in an expensive town, albeit almost a decade ago. I skimmed on everything I could and bought as many $1 bags of spoiled vegetables as I could, trimmed off all the moldy parts, and just made whatever vegetable soup I could every week. This is one of like 50 other things I had to do to get by. And it wasn’t great for my mental health. It sucked to have to spend so much time and energy when I had so few hours left in a day to do all this.
Living cheap has a cost too. I don’t think it’s fair to assume that OP is necessary choosing to waste money when we don’t know where they live or what else is going on in their life.
It really depends on where you live. $200 doesn’t get you that far in places like Manhattan or San Francisco. Especially if you’re cooking for every meal for more than one person for a week.
That’s a lot of words for ‘I’m privileged with good health and can’t empathize with people going through mental and physical illnesses’.
I don’t have AFRID, but I know people who do. Your delusional if you think it’s a choice and they can just decide to eat other things without wanting to throw up
This is this the same as telling people with depression to ‘just be happy’ or telling people with anxiety to ‘just calm down’. There is no ‘just eat the food’ with AFRID. The whole point is that they can’t.
Can we just start calling him what he is, a hate speech absolutionist?
You’re not getting old. The hate is real.
I’ve put countless hours into Rainbow 6 Siege, Escape from Tarkov, League of Legends, CoD Warzone, all back when my guy friends were still interested in these games. I loved these games to death, but some of the most vile shit ever said to me were said when I played alone.
When my friends and I moved on to other games, I wanted to play these on my own and just couldn’t. Without them, I had to mute myself or get graphic rape and death threats. I went with it for a while and thought I could tough it out, but I couldn’t. These days I just soloqueue league on a new account without a feminine name.
But yeah, I agree it’s a breath of fresh air to play games without the hate.