Jojo, Lady of the West

  • 1 Post
Joined 4 maanden geleden
Cake day: 4 maart 2024


  • Well, no. Perhaps I’ve been misunderstood.

    If no evidence whatsoever for a claim exists, then there is no reason to favor that claim. This is an effectively rare situation, and basically only applies to things someone has made up whole cloth just now.

    Likewise, the existence of some evidence is not necessarily definitive “proof” of a claim, merely enough of a reason to consider it further (such as considering alternative explanations or how well said evidence matches what we might expect)

    In this case, there is evidence that somebody named Jesus may have existed, and however ideal that evidence may or may not be, it is about the amount of evidence we would expect to find of any given figure from his time.

  • You do know that you do it too, right? Even many words being spelled “correctly” and used “logically” have changed in meaningful ways. It might annoy when someone now says “I’m literally dying” after a joke, but once upon a time “incredible” meant “totally lacking credibility” and not “amazing”. Language changes. In French, you negate a verb by saying “not verb step”. Taken literally, it’s the same meaningless gibberish as “could of,” yet it’s good enough for l’Académie Française while “could of” is abhorrent? I get that it’s not how you’d like to communicate, and not how you’d like others to communicate with you, but it also isn’t inherently bad or undesirable, since clearly that is how many people communicate.

    So communicate the way you prefer, and make it known that you’d prefer that. But also, don’t tell others they’re wrong for reasons that are, ultimately, just as arbitrary as theirs.