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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 12th, 2023


  • Honestly I think the biggest issue in law enforcement in general… is human testimony has this kind of weight to begin with. This guy was convicted of murder… with apparently the entirety of the evidence against him being “a criminal said he did it”.

    Even if the penalty was JUST 20 years in prison, and death penalty wasn’t on the table, that’s so wrong to me. 1 man’s word is not a reliable way to confirm anything. People have garbage memories, and can lie.

    Agreed we can’t tell which way the flip is… and that’s kind of the crux of the issue… The evidence was unverifiable from day 1. So even if the death penalty was never on the table… this man had nearly 30 years of his life taken away… on literally one persons word, to top it off that one person was confirmed to be a criminal.

    So yeah there’s 2 major giant red flags to our justice system in this case. 1. The terribleness of death penalty to begin with. But 2. the idea of a single eye witnesses word having the ability to take decades of someone’s life away,

  • The point isn’t that not voting for harris is really an option. the point is to actually encourage the party to do the right thing. Least so far the “uncommited” group has been on the elections that dont’ matter, the polls etc…

    Point is you need some level of power. You don’t exactly have a bargaining position when you walk up to the officials and say “stop killing people or I’ll vote for you anyway”. I mean I get it, we live in a fake democracy… we’re given the choice of someone who’s bad on the issue, or someone who’s worse on the issue.

    Honestly on the whole I applaud Harris, she’s actually at least paying lip service to hearing people out, and pushing for a cease fire. It’s the least you can do, but it’s more than biden did, and there’s at least an inkling of hope she’ll actually follow it up.

  • Umm… pirating windows is your recomended solution?

    Look don’t get me wrong I could say it’s if anything more cost effective for simply the dev’s to say “OK anyone who has more than 1 hour of linux play time prior to this date qualifies for a refund”.

    Of which, most likely is a handful of people so easy work.

    Screw privacy sensitivity that’s a moot point. Installing windows isn’t a minor tweak to a computer .First of all the suggested method is technically breaking the law. Secondly you are talking minimum adding in a windows partition, so an extra 50 GB storage on top of the amount the game takes. Comprimizes to the boot loader on the system, in which there’s a high chance of messing up an existing install.

  • Gotta say outright, a god that punishes people for not believing in the correct interpretation of him… is a God who’s heaven I wouldn’t want to go to. Just do the math on regional factors alone. Fact is if you believe in a god, if you are born in a heavily muslim area, there’s a 75% chance you’d believe in the muslim interpretation. If you are born in a christian area, there’s a 75% chance you’ll have the christian belief, same for hinduism, bhudism etc…

    Fact is no matter how you slice it, if there is a correct version of god to believe in, at most maybe 1/3rd of people are in the right place to believe in that version of him. Meaning 2/3rds of the world is at a cultural disadvantage to not correctly beleive in the right version of god, and thus would be doomed to hell. That’s before factoring in hundreds of other factors like life circumstance etc…

    Simple fact is if a god exists, and is good, and has an afterlife (none of which are facts I believe in). I don’t think belief or knowledge is any sign of fairness for such a being to do, and certainly sending things to hell for something that they are literally incapable of even trying to think about… is just nonsense for anything but the most malicious and evil interpretations of a god.

  • I mean looks isn’t even really the thing, The main 2 things are default programs, and the package managers. IE arch based are good if you want the bare minimum, and for most packages to be the bleeding edge. Buntu based if you want the default packages to be more stable versions (at the drawback of not always getting the latest without setting up a repository).

    Basically it’s the installers and configuration tools that are the main differences. You are right that on a practical level if you ask me to make an arch system look like a debian or ubuntu system that’s set up the way you like it, I could almost certainly make it barely distinguishable.

  • Seconded here, at the bare minimum you need a VPS or similar. Quick detail here, if you say you are using it to “sail the seas”. and you are talking about self hosting.

    Point of a VPN for piracy purposes is best explained. In short, You connect to the VPN host, the VPN host connects to the tracker or whatever pages you are going to. Should an anti-piracy bot connect to the tracker and follow the leads, it will find the VPN instead of you, and hopefully the VPN isn’t keeping logs and has enough people connecting to it that they can’t keep a specific link to someone.

    Problem with self hosting, is it kind of misses that value. If the same happens but instead of finding your computer, it leads them to… a computer in your living room. Well obviously the same is going to happen as if they found just you.

  • I’m missing here. This isn’t the sony rootkit to my knowledge. Right now we’re talking about youtube itself detecting it’s ads aren’t being shown and throwing up a page blocking the rest.

    “Evidenced by” a non google service putting ads in it’s premium service? Don’t get me wrong it’s bullshit, but again a reason to not use spotify.

  • Honestly I can’t fathom this concept. Youtube isn’t a right. It’s an optional service. Why aren’t we all up in arms about the 5,000 porn sites that have paywalled their services for years? IMO the response to “youtube won’t let users use the site without ads” should be “lets help peer tube be more succesful” Just as we are here rather than trying to make a law to get reddit to open up their API for free.

    I don’t like youtube. But I don’t think it’s fair or viable to mandate them allow their content for free without ads. That’s a bit like mandating hotels give rooms for free. Hosting videos costs a non zero amount of money. Google intends to make more money from advertisements then they spend on hosting videos.

  • It would be kind of interesting to see if there’s a ratio of evil characters to their actors doing crimes. I mean the most obvious that comes to mind is Kevin spacey. Though it doesn’t seem to be higher rates for celebs that play evil characters vs ones that play lovable good characters. Least most don’t consider Bill Cosby or OJ Simpson to have played particularly evil characters. So I’d say in general money and fame cause an increase in likelyness of being evil, the on screen persona doesn’t seem to be a huge contributing factor.

  • Yeah to me the obvious end days was when the “half priced but with ads” plans came out. It’s going the route of cable. the patern is so predictable.

    Year 1: Ad free - 5-10,

    Year 2: Ad free 10-15

    Year 3: ad free 10-15, low price ad tier 5-10

    Year 4: ad free 20-30, ad tier 10-15

    Year 5: ad tier 25-30, ad free 75

    Year 6: Due to low demand, ad free tier is removed. ad tier 40-50.

    That’s of course counting the shitification of their being 20 services, which are equally sharing shows of every genre so that no matter what type of shows you like, you’ll need to use 3-4 services to get the main shows you want.