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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • If it were actually AI I might have some faith.

    This isn’t a neural net processor, not a learning computer. It’s a fucking mechanical Turk. A bad one.

    What he’s talking about isn’t capable of deriving new ideas. It’s just going to spit out shit it’s seen already.

    The library of Babel is just as likely to give us the answers he’s talking about. More likely maybe because it’s at least already written down.

  • Machinist guy here!

    Threads fail. Threads are generally the most likely thing to fail in any given mechanism. Generally, when the threads are expected to do more work than just sit there and not move, as in fastening a hinge for example, we try to make sure the threads are all the same kind of material.

    I would never expect plastic threads to hold up to repeated use with an iron bolt inside. Something is going to give up, and it’s going to be the soft plastic threads, every single time.

    Think about cheap as fuck IKEA furniture, any time they have a bolt to screw in, you install an insert first. We do the same thing in plastic, aluminum, shit even steel sometimes if we want the bolt to fail first.

  • I want to see someone try.

    Not because it’s practical, or because it makes sense. But because it sounds like it makes sense but I’m practice would be so impractical and hard that the solution would be absolutely hilarious.

    You’re driving along the freeway at 70 miles an hour, and a jet powered super drone rockets along side the car carrying a 2000 pound brick of lithium and drops it on top of you like a fucking dump truck. The shock crushes the cheap Chinese car like a can of soda and the sudden change in weight sends the drone careening off in to the air at a reasonable percentage of mach 1. The last thing you see on this earth as your brain matter is squeezed out of your eye sockets like toothpaste is a wide eyed driver in the car next to you.

    The resulting pile up kills 4 people immediately, and several more later as they get caught in an expanding wave of lithium battery fires that either burn them to death or suck all of the oxygen out of the air.

  • The last time a single party held the presidency for more than 12 years was when FDR won 4 times. Prior to that it was civil war reconstruction.

    Keeping the white house from 2020-2040 would be the longest single party streak without one president occupying the office more than 8 years. 3 consecutive Democrats would need to win. Ignoring the Democratic Republican steak at the beginning of the 19th century, because at one point everyone ran as a democratic Republican regardless.

    My point is, what’s plan b?

  • They may be preparing for a remodel, in which many of the shelves get torn out and replaced with new ones. They don’t want to shut down the store to do it and need a lot of storage space to hold shelving while they replace units one at a time over night. So already clearance stuff gets clearanced harder to get it out of the way.

    This has been brought to you by your surly neighborhood shelving guy.