• 5 Posts
Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: April 7th, 2024


  • Your assumption is wholly incorrect. I am not behind Biden’s support of Israel, his methods of restricting border crossings, or presentation as an orator. Trump is equally bad or worse in those areas.

    The remaining points on actions while in office are as follows:

    Biden rejoined the Paris Climate Agreement, revoked the Keystone Pipeline permit, created a 13 million acre federal petroleum reserve for Alaskan wildlife, greatly increased oil site lease cost, signed $7B in solar subsidies, invested $66B in passenger rail, enacted the Inflation Reduction act to support clean energy, increased energy efficiency standards on cars, appliances, and industry, created new permitting rules to streamline transmission lines, leveraged the NLRB for an FTC ruling that eliminated non-compete agreements, capped credit card late fees, reduced or outlawed junk fees in several industries, forgave billions in student debt from predatory loans, created the CHIPS Act to improve reliance on domestic technology, reenacted Net Neutrality, repealed Title 42, ended the Muslim Ban, reinstated the law prohibiting Israeli settlement on Palestinian territory, signed the Equality Act for LGBTQ+ rights, restored gay rights to beneficiaries, pardoned thousands of gay veterans from being convicted based on their sexual orientation, reenacted trans care anti-discrimination law, signed the Respect for Marriage Act, enabled unspecified gender on US Passports, rejoined WHO, rescheduled marijuana, banned medical debt from credit reports, actively reducing drug costs with the American Rescue Plan Act…

    Trump repealed 112 climate regulations, left the Paris Climate Agreement, disbanded the pandemic response team stalling national pandemic response, left the WHO, repealed trans care anti-discrimination law, repealed gay rights to beneficiaries, enacted Title 42 and the Muslim ban, repealed the law prohibiting Israeli settlements on Palestinian territory, repealed Net Neutrality, provided tax cuts to the wealthy that further widened our already exploitative wealth inequality, increased tariffs on goods costing the consumers, seated the conservatives in SCOTUS that repealed Roe v. Wade…

  • Do you even remember the point of this discussion? I disagreed with another commenter on the reliability of the moderate Democratic vote, citing the sizable abstentions in the 2016 election by progressives. You blamed the candidate. We’re looking at the exact same situation this election. It’s too late for Biden to step down, and he against Trump again.

    Are you really going to blame the candidate again now that America saw the direct impact of abstention in 2016 giving Trump the win? The repercussions of this election rests completely on the shoulders of voters.