• 19 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023

  • Alright…

    We’re close…

    Here’s where it gets tricky, lots of people get lost.

    For the best path forward and to ensure this doesn’t happen again we should:

    1. Have a robust primary every election and replace incumbents that don’t agree with voters.

    2. Blindly support Dem incumbents until they eventually lose to a Republican

    Think about it, don’t just answer right away reflexively.

    Which path forward actually leads to progress? I don’t want to rush you, but it’s an election year. Decisions made today we’re gonna be stuck with for 4-6 years.

    So think fast, but think long term.

  • I listed two options I think would work for me

    You also told me you’re a Republican and know nothing of the Democratic party or what its voters want…

    So let me give you some advice, for Republican candidates I want:

    1. Boots Riley

    2. Optimus Prime.

    For better or worse, you know you need me and my perspective on this matter. Lest you lose Michigan, Pennsylvania, Georgia and Arizona and let Trump take the victory.

    No we don’t.

    Because Obama 08 didn’t need help from “moderate Dems” and he sure didn’t need help from Republicans.

    The entire problem with the modern DNC is they ignore their base and chase Republicans.

    Who will always say the DNC isn’t conservative enough.

    It creates these feedback loop where the party gets more and more conservative leaving behind more and more of its own voters.

    We can just leave you all behind, and give voters a candidate they like. A progressive candidate.

  • Right

    Biden appointed Jamie Harrison, it’s very very unlikely that Jamie Harrison nominates anyone else. And if he does, it will be another moderate that names Jamie Harrison head of the DNC again.

    Because the people running the DNC care more about personal political power than stopping trump.

    Just like the problem with republicans isn’t just trump, it’s the people behind the scenes that also need addressed.

    The problem with the DNC isn’t just Biden, it’s the people Biden put in charge of the DNC.

    The party can’t survive without the voters, we’re the important part.

    If the DNC refuses to acknowledge that, it won’t be the first time voters left a party behind to die without them.

    At a certain point the corruption is bad enough we need to start over. It won’t be easy, but at a certain point it’s the only option.

  • For one, Biden would have to willingly give up the nomination in order to release delegates already pledged to him.

    Factually not true…

    The DNC can rewrite the rules before the convention and nominate anyone they want.

    As their lawyers have told judges, they’re a private organization that can name anyone as the candidate. That was their defense for accusations that they already rig primaries.

    A second problem is the public doesn’t know any other Democrat nearly as well as they know Biden, and it would be difficult to introduce someone to the public at this late date without them being defined by Donald Trump, the Republicans and Fox News in the worst possible ways.

    Literally anyone that becomes the Dem nominee will have nationwide name recognition in 24 hours.

    The most common reason for voting Biden is “to stop trump” so any replacement shares the most important quality Dem voters want that Biden actually meets.

    Like, sure, this would have been so much easier if we had an actual primary and the people closest to Biden hadn’t spent four years hiding him and lying about his mental capabilities. But they didn’t. They kept repeating it was too late for anyone except Biden.

    They’re still saying it, but it’s still not true.