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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 30th, 2023


  • I see your point, thanks for the insight! Did you base your reply on the abstract or the full article, because they do specify “vegetable” oil. Also, in their defence, they not only state that they only intended to show a correlation instead of a causal effect, and even add that:

    we only found the relationship between the cooking oil type and cardiovascular health in the elderly over 65 years old in China, and could not explain the reason.

  • Well you can find quite a few scientific studies saying exactly what I’ve said. I agree that plant based oils are not all the same though.

    Just one example:

    3918 of those who cooked with vegetable/gingili oil had ASCVD, and 249 of those who cooked with lard/other animal fat oils had ASCVD. The prevalence of ASCVD in vegetable/gingili oil users (31.68%) was higher than that in lard/other animal fat oil users (17.46%). Compared with lard/other animal fat users, the multivariate-adjusted model indicated that vegetable oil/sesame oil users were significantly associated with a higher risk of ASCVD (OR = 2.19; 95%CI, 1.90-2.53). Our study found that cooking with lard/other animal fat oil is more beneficial to cardiovascular health in older Chinese.


  • Weed smokers are less likely to get lung cancer than non smokers, they have a bigger lung capacity and it acts like a bronchodilator, making it (the substance, not the smoking part) an effective medicine in patients with asthma. People who’ve used marijuana and develop COPD also have a lower mortality rate, and it is beneficial when it comes to corona as well. But yes, smoke is still bad for you.

  • What you’re describing is exactly the delusion I was talking about. And it’s very typical these days. People don’t want nuance, they want perfect heroes or complete villains, complete polarization, anything in-between is too complex and we’re too insecure to be associated with someone who’s done something bad. I don’t need a messiah, in fact I think that is exactly the problem that is the foundation of your line of thinking.

    I have no problem admiring the good Pavlov or Ford did, and I don’t really care that they did something bad, it’s irrelevant to the discussion, really. And I can say that because I believe that recognizing their achievements says absolutely nothing about me agreeing with what they did wrong. I think that people who have to point out the worst are ultimately scared that if they don’t do that, it would say something about themselves.